A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 129- Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep.

Dad frowns when I step away from him. He is clearly not happy about any of this. But he knows there isn't really anything he can do about it either. I mean sure, he could kick Ashton and Fin out, tell them they can't stay here. But it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't stop me from seeing Ashton or loving him. As much as dad complains, I know he wants me to be happy and he would never stand in the way of that. I'm not actually surprised when he sighs and relents.

"Fine." He grumbles then narrows his eyes at Ashton.

"Don't screw this up. You might be a fae prince but I will find a way to make you suffer." Dad threatens. Ashton doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact his answering smile is blinding.

"I will take care of her." He promises sincerely, making me blush again. Dad just grunts in response.

"And I supposed you're going to be staying here again while you hunt down the bastard who hurt my daughter." My dad states. Ashton nods.

"Yes. That is my intention." He confirms.

"And I bet that friend of yours is around here somewhere too?" Dad asks. He softens a little at that. It's so funny how well he gets along with Fin. I'm sure he and Ashton will get along too if he would just stop being so defensive. Fin steps out of the living room into the hallway with a cheerful smile, although he's also squinting at the lights.

"Present." He chimes in.

"Right. Well I don't care if you two want to run around everywhere chasing after fae criminals, that's your choice. But keep my little girl out of it!" He practically hisses the last few words. Ashton and Fin both nod agreeably.noveldrama

"Of course. I already discussed with Kat that we will not be involving her any further. We would appreciate you hosting us a while longer but we will not require her assistance." Ashton says firmly. "Except maybe she could show us how to call for a taxi." Fin adds helpfully.

It takes a little while for us to explain to dad everything that happened. We kind of gloss over the details of how Ashton used his magic to save me and just tell dad that he used magic to keep me alive long enough to be healed in the fae realm. We also don't mention what a risk it was trying to take me there. It was just as likely to kill me as the poison was. We definitely don't mention going out dancing. Eventually dad is satisfied and I can FINALLY go to bed. I expect to fall asleep right away. I mean, I'm hungover with alcohol and magic. I'm worn out from nearly dying AND it's getting late. I'm surprised I can even keep my eyes open. But despite all that, I can't get to sleep. I still feel anxious. Why is it that I'm just as uncomfortable here in my own bedroom as I was in a strange realm? At least there I was too sick and exhausted to stay up, now, despite everything, I can't seem to relax. An idea creeps into my head. Ashton is only a few steps away. I bet I could sleep if I curled up with him. I can already imagine it. There's no way I could continue feeling anxious and stressed out if he were with me. Except... Dad is home. He DEFINITELY wouldn't like it. I toss and turn for another half hour or so before giving up. I'm exhausted and I need to rest. If dad wants to complain about it, he can talk to me in the morning. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. Hopefully Ashton doesn't mind. I crawl out of bed and tiptoe out of my room and to Ashton's door. Should I knock? I should probably knock right? It's one thing to ask if I can basically snuggle with him, but I should still respect his privacy. I raise a hand to knock, but the door swings open. Ashton is bleary eyed and wordlessly he takes my hand and tugs me into the room, closing the door behind us. We both climb into bed and Ashton wraps his arms tightly around me. I fall asleep to the sound of his soft breathing and the warmth of his arms. Waking up next to Ashton is nice. Really nice. It seems like he's been awake for a while and as soon as I start to stir he kisses the side of my neck and cuddles me tightly.

"Did you sleep well?" He murmurs.

"Mmmh yeah. Once I came here at least. I don't know why but I'm feeling oddly clingy. I shouldn't be so anxious being away from you." I frown. It's not really like me to act like this. Maybe it's just because I love him, but it can't be normal to be so completely AWARE of someone else. Even when he's out of sight I'm somehow keeping track of him in the house. I guess I HAVE been through a lot lately. Maybe it's normal that I need a bit of extra support right now. Either way, I could definitely get used to sharing a bed with Ashton on a regular basis.

"What time is it?" I wonder. My head feels a lot better. Actually, I feel better than I have in days. This is the first time in ages I haven't woken up already feeling tired. I didn't think to bring my phone with me, but based on the light coming through the window it's been morning for a while. I doubt that it's quite afternoon yet, but it might be close. Considering my usual habit of waking up early for work, this is VERY late for me. We lie there for a few more minutes while I wake up slowly then I reluctantly roll out of bed. Ashton seems just as reluctant to let me go and that makes me smile. It's nice to feel wanted.

I consider sneaking out and back to my bedroom but I ultimately decide against it. There's every chance my dad has already guessed where I am and I don't want to behave like I'm doing something wrong. Dad is just going to have to get used to it. Sure enough, as soon as I open the door, dad pops his head out of the kitchen. He narrows his eyes and I'm pretty sure he mutters something about 'that damn fae boy' before returning to the kitchen, calling out to come to the table for food when I'm ready. Food? Dad cooks even less than I do. I wash up in the bathroom and check my phone. It's a little before eleven am. I send off a text to Lucy and Marcus letting them know I'm awake and up for company. I head to the kitchen and sure enough, dad has arranged breakfast. It looks like he might have gone to a bakery or something and bought... One of everything basically. My stomach growls and I immediately dig in. Fin wanders in and greets me. He's already holding a coffee mug and it looks like he's been up for a while. Ashton finishes up in the bathroom and joins me at the table. "Dad, don't you have work today?" I ask. I don't know for sure, but it's generally a pretty safe bet that he has work. Dad shakes his head.

"I'm not working today. I'm staying home and spending some time with my little girl." He says firmly and I grin.

"Love you too dad. That sounds nice. Although I should warn you that Lucy and Marcus will be stopping by any time now..." I trail off and dad shrugs.

"I figured, why do you think I got so much food? As for you." Dad turns to Ashton.

"You have plans this afternoon. Don't you dare refuse. Kat might have been alright standing between you and the mayor, but I'm not doing it anymore. He wants to see you and he won't wait any longer. He already suspects Kat was hiding things from him, don't cause any more trouble for her than you already have. A car is coming for you later this afternoon to take you to see him. I expect you to be in it." Dad orders. Ashton just shrugs his acceptance.

"Very well." He responds, maybe a little unhappy. There's a slamming sound from the front of the house. "KAT!" I jump to my feet, Lucy is here!

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