A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 135- Want to make friends? Be yourself, share your snacks, and always be ready with an emergency joke.

Dad is nowhere to be seen so I guess he's off at work. Fin is still on the couch although he looks significantly less relaxed than he did a few minutes ago and he's staring at his phone. Yeah, I'm not surprised. I don't know if Lucy telling him to look after me was a good sign of a bad sign either to be honest. I'll have to make sure I find a chance to talk to her about her guy troubles, although I have to admit that mine seem a little more urgent at the moment. It's not until I'm in the shower trying not to get my hair wet that it occurs to me that my guy problems aren't that urgent. I don't need to figure everything out today, neither does Ashton. This whole needing to be near each other thing is inconvenient, but not completely debilitating. I can afford to relax a little and think about it. I can afford to ask Ashton to think about what he really wants. Sure we can't drag this out forever, but there's no set deadline. We're already in the situation, it doesn't have to change right away. Somehow that's enough to take the pressure off. I still feel anxious and that sense of dread I have whenever Ashton is out of sight is still going strong, but I AM capable of thinking about other things. I should contact Marcus and find out what the deal is with work. I was meant to be going back but obviously that didn't happen. He probably extended my leave or something. Also I want to know what happened at that meeting with the mayor, I bet Fin could tell me about that. There's no reason why I need to let my whole life revolve around this issue with Ashton. It's something to work into my life, not a one or the other situation. By the time I'm dressed and fed, I'm feeling a little more optimistic and a lot more like myself. When Ashton gets back, we can sit down and have a proper conversation. Until then, there are plenty of things I can do other than just waiting for him to get back. I decide to start with contacting Marcus. He's probably working so I text him.

Kat- Hey, sorry about the drama last night. It was definitely unexpected. I don't really know what's going on with all that but I'll figure it out. I wanted to check in with you, what's the go with my work right now? Am I supposed to be turning up at some point?

Marcus- Lucy gave me the update when she got in today. Girl your life is 100% drama. Maybe I don't need to know if the fae eye candy can set me up after all. They might be hot but damn they seem like a lot of work. ;) Marcus-You're on unpaid leave right now. Best I could do. I haven't scheduled you to come back in yet. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll sort it out.

Kat- You're the best <3 thanks for that. I guess there has to be some benefit to hanging out with you. I certainly don't like you for your personality.

Marcus- I knew it, you just like me because I'm pretty.

Kat- Nah, I like you because you control the schedule and give me all the good shifts.

Marcus- I give you the morning shifts that everyone hates. You're just weird.

Marcus- I'm glad you're feeling better. You gave us all a scare.

Kat- Thanks, I think I gave myself a scare too. I'll let you know when I'm ready to come back to work. I still need to sort things out with Ashton.

Marcus- Ooooh that sounds like an unpleasant conversation. Are you going to forgive him? (Also are we hanging out tonight?)

Kat- I already have forgiven him mostly. I think (No. I need to sort things out with Ashton tonight.)

Marcus- In that case I vote you just kiss him and move on. You were going to have to face the issue of how to stay together eventually anyway, this has just moved up the timeline.

Kat- Your ability to make very complicated situations seem simple is one of the things I both love and hate about you.

Marcus- You adore me. Now my phone has been ringing for several minutes now, I should get back to work. Let me know if you need anything, a drink, a hug, someone to kick the dude's ass... Kat- Haha, will do.

I drop my phone on my bed, proud of myself. See, that wasn't so bad. Life goes on. I still have a job and more importantly, I have friends who are totally willing to try and kick a super powerful fae prince's ass for hurting my feelings.

I head to the living room to find Fin next. I'm on a roll and I want to keep myself busy, or at least distracted. It's easier to avoid panicking about what Ashton is doing that way. I drop onto the couch beside him where he is STILL staring at his phone. He flinches slightly as I bounce into the seat. I roll my eyes.

"Relax, I don't bite." I tell him. Fin narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.

"You do not seem angry." He seems a little confused.

"Am I supposed to be?" I ask. He shrugs, his wings knocking the edge of the couch with the movement.

"I am not sure. I thought that you would be angry with me. I knew what my friend was hiding from you and I did not say anything. Not to mention I hurt your best friend. I did not expect you would want to talk to me." He explains. Ah, I get it


"I'm not mad at you, not really. It wasn't your secret to tell, and you did make sure I knew in the end. I have to admit that I don't like how things went down with Lucy, but I'm not blind. I can tell that you aren't happy about it either. You clearly have some regrets. I just want you two to figure things out. In the meantime, we're still friends. I won't take your side against Lucy, but you haven't asked me to." I point out.

"And I never will. It would not be fair of me. Particularly since I know I am the one who made a mistake. Lucy never did anything wrong. She... She is a wonderful person. But I do not want to give her false hope about a relationship that would likely never work. I cannot decide if it would be better to make peace with her and risk making things more complicated, or to let her continue to hate me and to avoid her in the future. At least that way I know where we stand." He sighs and I stare. Is Fin... Confiding in me? Huh... I didn't think that he trusted me that much. He still backs up every time I'm near him. It's weird.

"Can't you just be honest with her? She's a big girl, she doesn't need you making decisions for her." I remind him. Fin gives a pained smile and shrugs. Alright then. We're quiet for a minute.

"You know, I kind of thought that you didn't like me all that much. This might be the first proper one on one conversation that we've had." I comment. Fin frowns.

"It is not that I dislike you. It is just... In the past there have been fae women who approached me, befriended me, all in an attempt to get close to the prince. I have become cautious. I did not mean to come across as unfriendly. Caution has developed into a habit of mine apparently." He seems apologetic and I rush to assure him.

"You didn't. Just... I don't know, a little untrusting? I'm sorry that's happened to you. It sounds awful. This does mean we're friends, right?" I confirm and Fin nods.

"Yes." He agrees. I grin at him and nudge him with my elbow. He doesn't back off and I smile even harder. I can't help but tease him a little.

"Does this mean that we hug now, you hug Lucy." I point out.. Fin scrunches up his face in horror, but it quickly gives way to a smirk.

"I cannot. If I were to hug you while my best friend is getting the cold shoulder I believe that he would be terribly jealous." His tone is teasing and I narrow my eyes.

"Are you telling me that you won't hug me until I make up with Ashton? That's cold, Fin, ice cold." I laugh and he grins.noveldrama

"I never claimed to be otherwise." He clarifies. I roll my eyes, glad to be getting along with Fin, although his teasing lingers in my mind, mostly because I know that every word he spoke is the truth. Damn fae.

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