A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 156- Things may seem obvious from the outside, but remember, spectators have a clear view and none of the pressure of playing the game.

Ashton flinches back, clearly confused and maybe a little hurt. I think back over my words, did that come out a little too harsh? I sigh and shake my head.

"I didn't mean that to sound as rude as it was. I just meant that I want a little space, a bit of time to myself. I haven't been alone in... Well... Since my dad died. I don't mean this in a mean way, I appreciate how you've been taking care of me, really. But I need to do this myself." I tell him gently, trying to make him understand that I don't intend to offend him or anything. I just... I need to be alone. Before, I needed my friends. I needed them to stay close and hold me together. Now I need to see how I go by myself. Ashton nods his understanding but he's still frowning.

"Will you at least take Fin? If you ask him, I am sure that he will stay quiet and out of your way. It will be almost the same as being alone." He suggests. Aah, so he isn't offended, he's worried about me. I shake my head no.

"Sorry, but I need to go by myself. You don't need to worry so much. I'll be fine. There are no more fae criminals running around out there. I've been taking care of myself for years, I don't need a babysitter." I tell him firmly. "But-" Ashton starts and I cut him off, holding up a hand to tell him to stop.

"Look, I know this isn't fair of me. Protecting me is the same as protecting yourself. It's not fair of me to take risks with your life. But I'll be fine. I'll go out for a while, and I'll come back. But first, I'll make you a promise." I pause to take a deep breath. Ashton takes a step closer, he's watching me closely, clearly curious about what I might be promising.

"I promise that when I get back I won't do this again. As long as you don't restrict my freedom, I'll never object to you protecting me, or arranging protection for me. I'll let you keep me, and by extension yourself, safe." I promise him sincerely. I mean every word. Ashton's jaw has dropped and he's staring.

"I... I did not ask you to make such a promise." He seems completely stunned.

"No you didn't, but you should have." I insist. Ashton blinks, shocked.

"I am not sure what you mean by that." He admits. I shake my head.noveldrama

"Look, I was mad about it at the time, mostly because you didn't tell me. But you DID save my life, and now you're only ever going to be safe if I am. It's not unreasonable for you to make requests and it's not unreasonable for you to protect yourself. You SHOULD protect yourself. Until recently, I never really had any enemies. I was never particularly in danger, at least no more than any other person. Mostly because I've never been particularly important." Seeing the disagreement on Ashton's face I hurry to clarify further.

"I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Very few people are considered important enough to hate, and being important doesn't make someone better than anyone else. Usually it just means they have a bunch of responsibilities. Like you do. You're important, and important people have enemies. Anyone who wants to hurt you could make the task a lot easier by hurting me instead. I don't want to be hurt, and I don't want you to be hurt. So I'm not going to be unreasonable. I'll do what I can to protect myself, and I expect you to do the same." Okay, I'm basically lecturing him at this point. Time for me to stop. I fall silent, Ashton looks thoughtful.

"I do not want to make things difficult for you, but it would make me happy to know you are safe. After today, you will let me keep you safe." He smiles at me, pleased. Good, he gets it.

"I have my phone with me. Let the others know I've gone out for a bit, alright?"

"Very well." he agrees. I give him a small smile and gently pat his arm. I kind of want to kiss him, but I need to talk to him about feelings first. Tonight. I'll do it tonight, as soon as I get back. No more putting it off, no matter how awkward it is. I get in my car, start the engine and then I sit there. Where am I even planning to go? I wanted to go out, to be alone. But I don't actually have a purpose or a goal. I want to be around people, but where? My stomach growls noisily. When was my last meal? I remember choking down some toast this morning after Lucy shoved it into my hands. Kind of. I'm not actually sure if I ate more than a bite or two. Well that answers that question. I'm going to get something to eat. I consider what I might want and I remember that bakery that Ashton and I went to when he first arrived here, the one where the door was burned down. The food there was good. It's not the closest place, but my goal here isn't to efficiently go out and get back as soon as possible. I want to take my time, so I'm willing to drive a little bit further to go someplace nice.

The bakery is just as welcoming and cheerful as I remember. I'm not feeling very cheerful obviously, but the atmosphere is less oppressive at least. I recognise the woman working at the counter as the same woman we met last time. "Hi, you were... Mara right?" I greet her politely. She nods and smiles at me. I think she's the first person to properly smile at me in days. It's like they're all worried that they'll offend me by being too happy when I'm miserable. Mara doesn't have that problem, she doesn't know me, not really. She doesn't know that my life has been turned upside down, to her I'm just like everyone else. Which is exactly what I wanted.

"Yes, I recognise you, although you'll have to forgive me I've forgotten your name. You were here after the bakery was vandalised. Are you alone today? Where's that boyfriend of yours? He's definitely one I won't be forgetting too soon." Mara winks at me and pretends to fan face. I snort out a laugh and then stop just as quickly, mostly because I'm surprised that I laughed, today of all days. Coming here was a good decision.

"Well, my name is Kat. As for the guy. That was Ashton and... He's not my boyfriend. Not really." My words come out as a sigh. Mara makes a surprised humming noise.

"Really?" She asks, sounding kind of doubtful. I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes really. Why do you seem so surprised by that?" I question. She shrugs.

"I don't know, it just seems odd. I really thought that he was your boyfriend, or at the very least he wanted to be." She leans forward on the counter, clearly she's decided this is an interesting conversation. "What makes you say that?" I ask. She laughs.

"Aw honey, it was pretty obvious. He couldn't tear his eyes away from you. He was so careful of you. He practically lit up every time you looked at him. I might not know much, but that was the look of a man in love, I'm sure of it." She says confidently.

"I... Huh... I mean..." I trail off. How do I even answer that? Mara smiles at me kindly.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. But if I were you I would make sure to give that boy a call sometime soon." She winks at me again and then returns to her friendly but professional attitude and helps me pick out something to eat.

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