After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Disposed Of...

Thirty minutes of explaining what had gone down in a week, omitting the parts she knew would annoy Owen greatly, like mentioning Jamil, Leonica was no faced with a very worried looking Owen.

"I leave for one week and you totally become reckless." He huffed, shaking his head in disapproval to all the stunts she had pulled.

"Reckless," Leonica parroted with a grin, finding how he worried for her, funny. "If getting a sprained ankle after being falling off a staircase is recklessness, then I'm all in."

"Leonica," The way her name slipped through his lips made her smile even more, and she was tempted to wrap her arms around him, but he had beat her to it.

His embrace was warm and the smell of his cologne, sweet and spicy, tickled her nose. She felt her body relaxing and leaning into his, and although they'd only been apart for a week, she realized that she missed this; him. "When are you going to stop being so reckless? You mustn't always put yourself in harms way to protect everyone. You're not supergirl."

Leonica hummed. "But what can I do when my family is in danger. If I don't step up, everyone's going to suffer something worse." She snuggled further into his embrace, taking in his scent once more. "So I had no choice but to be reckless and you can say it paid off." Owen didn't say anything for a few seconds. Instead, he hugged her tighter and whispered.

"Good job then."noveldrama

A grin bloomed on Leonica's face, never being more happy to receive a praise from anyone.

After a while, Owen released her, a serious expression on his face. "I'm not going to talk about it if you don't want to, but at some point, we'd need to address that little video going round. Wanna explain?"

Ah, she knew he was eventually going to touch this matter. Who wouldn't when there's a video of your fiancée, walking out of a room with another man supposedly in, circulating around the internet.

"Well," She began. "Its really not as the internet's making it out to be."

"Of course it isn't. I wanna hear your side and you don't have to tell who he was, if you don't wanna."

His soft and understanding tone had Leonica feeling more courageous to speak. She took his hands, playing with his fingers as she explained.

"It happened when I just returned to Norway. Arvan got an invite to a party and I tagged along as a favor. However, I met Gabriel there," She paused to gauge Owen's reaction. On the outside he was all calm and smiles, but on the inside was cursing the billionaire out. Why did he always have to be around Leonica and why the fuck did it have to be him?

Wasn't it enough that he was Ashley's father and her ex husband?

He wanted to punch the guy in the face, but he wouldn't. Not for now, anyways.

"Anyways, I found out that Gabriel had been doing some digging into Ashley and confronted him about it. But he had been drugged and I was slightly drunk," Hearing the story out of her own mouth, Leonica realized how bad and scandalous the entire thing sounded and cringed.

"It wasn't anything serious. That night was only a mistake." She concluded, giving Owen's hand a light squeeze in hope that he'd believe her.

He did.

"I know," He kissed the back of her hand and then hed cheek, before planting a peck on her forehead.

"I know," He repeated. "And if you want, I can take care of the internet."

Leonica gave him another cheeky grin. Although she was thankful that he was willing to use his fame and turn the internet's opinion around, she had already gotten that covered. "No need for that," She answered. "I'm already handling it."

"Is that so?"


Owen gave her a soft smile. "If you say so." Standing up, he walked towards her kitchen grabbing a drink or two when Leonica recalled something.

"Owen?" He hummed in response. "We're still on for Saturday, right?"

"Of course luce mia, why'd you ask?"

"Nothing, I was just curious."

"About where we're going?" Owen asked as he sat beside her, passing her a glass of orange juice.

She nodded. "Yeah."

"I thought i told you it was a surprise. However, I can make an exception." He said and gave her a knowing stare. "But not for free."

"And what would that be, sir."

Owen pretended to think for a bit. "A kiss, should do it."

Leonica rolled her eyes, but obliged. Placing her cup on the coffee table, she turned towards him and leaned forward.

"Like this?" She asked as she grabbed him by the rope of his hoodie and pulled him close, their noses almost touching.

"Just like that," Owen responded and closed the remaining gap, pressing his lips against hers.

She kissed him back, slowly and tenderly and it wasn't long before his hands were on her waist, pulling her onto his lap.

His tongue glided across her lower lip and she parted her lips, allowing his tongue access.

They fought for dominance for a little while, before her lips were no longer pressed against his.

Confused, she opened her eyes only to find him smirking.

"You were gonna give me a kiss, not a full makeout session, right luce mia."

Her face flushed and she smacked his shoulder. "I held up my end of the deal."

"You're right." Owen smiled and pecked her lips one last time for good measure. "On Saturday, luce mia, we are going to visit my father, because I plan to introduce you to him, the right way."

"Two big win and one savage loss," Jamil shook his head in disappointment.

In front of him, Irene paced his living room, grinding her teeth on the nail of her thumb.

It had only been a few hours since Cassandra instructed she leave the Romero household and with the time Benjamin her so 'graciously' given her, she decided to consult Jamil, who wasn't looking to pleased by the outcome. "It's not the end," She stated confidently.

"It's not." Jamil agreed. "Not yet."

"Then why the hell are you looking like you're about to give up." She turned her attention on him, temporarily stopping her pacing action.

Jamil didn't say much, all he did was open his phone and showed her the latest trending subject.

The video she had instructed to be

released came in at number four of hottest trending topic. Number three was Owen, who had just arrived in Norway here to save his fiancée, as quoted by the uploader. Number two, well it was a post claiming that Leonica had sent compensation to the employee Irene had harassed at the department store.

As Irene looked at the comments, she noticed that everyone's opinion of Leonica was quickly changing.

Getting to the first trending topic, Irene's eyes widened in surprise. In a matter of two hours, the video of her acting arrogant at the department store had blown up, nation wide and netizens weren't pleased with the abuse of power.

"Ha, money always brings out a person true personality. Nasty!" Someone commented, adding a vomit emoji at the end to express their disgust for Irene's actions.

"How can you call yourself a Romero, and then act like such a commoner. You should be ashamed of yourself." Another one stated, followed by a whole lot more, most of which were negative.

"You ruffled Leonica's feathers in the worst way possible," Jamil's voice brought her out of her trance. Shaking his head he added. "It's over for you, Irene."

It took her a few seconds to process his words. "Over for me?"

"The Romero family isn't going to keep a stain like you," Jamil nonchalantly shrugged as if stating the obvious. "Except you have a trick or two up your sleeves."

She didn't. Irene realized. Her entire

goal had been to ruin Leonica and she was sure after that video her popularity would drop, but that stunt she pulled and her family's sudden devotion towards her, ruined that plan entirely, something she had not planned for.

"No back up plan, I guess," Standing up, he adjusted his suit. "Then I'm afraid this is the end of the road for our cooperation."

"What? can you discard me so effortlessly. My reputation is being ruined in public all because you approached me with this crazy plan of yours." She accused.

"What?" Jamil's friendly expression

disappeared in a matter of seconds. "Wanna pin your incompetence on me? If you knew you couldn't handle it, you shouldn't have accepted it, ah, but of course your desire to get back at Leonie got the better of you." He chuckled mockingly. "To think you believed you could take her down, you can't even rival her."

Walking his stairs he added. "Leave before I have security throw you out and don't bother contacting me ever again. We're done."

Irene blinked in confusion.

Had she just been...disposed of?

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