After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Gabriel's Betrayal.


Leonica was stunned speechless, eyes wide as she had not expected to see the male here, or anywhere as a matter of fact.

"Bill..." She managed to speak after a while, her brain still trying to process what he was doing by following them. "What are you doing here? No, why are you following us?"

Owen turned to his fiancée with raised brows after hearing her address their follower by his name. "You know him?"

"He's Gabriel's assistant," The words effortlessly rolled off Leonica's tongue as she still tried to understand what was going on.

Was he working for Jamil? Was that why he was following them? She felt a surge of anger spike within her. Of course Jamil was one to pull a stunt like this, turning those who you least suspect to his favorite weapons.

"You," Stepping forward, she stared him down with a cold gaze. "Speak, why are you following us?"

Billy, who was currently looking like a deer caught in head light, opened his mouth, and then closed it again.

"Speak, Billy." Leonica demanded, taking another step forward.

"I, I-uh," He stuttered, eyes shifting from her, to Owen and back to her. "It's, I'm not..."

"Stop blabbering." Leonica hissed. "You know, I'm not a very patient person, so either you give me a straight answer, or else."

Oh how he knew that and how he wished to give Leonica a straight answer, but his hands were tied here. If he were to give her the answer she wanted, that'd mean him betraying his boss and if he didn't, from the look in Leonica's eyes, he was sure that he'd not make it back to report to his boss this night.noveldrama

"You're time is running thin, Billy and honestly you don't have a lot of it, so I'd be wise if I were you. Tell me, Jamil sent you, didn't he?" She questioned, but Billy continued to avoid her gaze, contemplating between the options he had.

"Look, Billy, or whatever your name is," Owen began, making sure to show a display of the pipe even though he wasn't going to use it. "I know things right now must seem like you're at a crossroad. Speak, or not speak, which road shall you take? Honestly there's only one, and that is to speak. You have no choice but to tell us why you were following us. It's not like you can deny."

Billy glanced at him, and then to Leonica and but still chose to remain silent.

And that's when Leonica snapped. "Perhaps I should have your father arrested for the illegal gambling he's been doing all this years." As she made a show to reach for her phone, Billy panicked.

"No, don't do that. I'll talk," He pleaded, eyes filled with realization that the situation was out of his hands. "I'll talk."

"I'm waiting."

"I wasn't sent by Jamil Vanadas," He paused, trying to find a way to say his next words while Leonica chose to ignore the fact that Billy knew who Jamil was yet claimed to not have been sent by him. "The person who asked me to monitor you is..." The rest of his words trailed off as he mumbled lowly underneath his breath. "Who was it?" Leonica demanded, not bothering to hide her annoyance.

"Mr. Bryce, it was Mr. Bryce, who asked me to monitor you." Billy answered and Leonica felt like someone had just poured a bucket of ice water all over her.

"What?" She asked as a new wave of confusion hit her. "Gabriel did what? And why?"

Billy wanted to withhold information, but for some reason, he felt like telling Leonica everything would be the best course of action. And besides, he was sure to lose his job, why not screw Gabriel over.

"About two months ago Mr. Bryce visited Ms. Fernandez in at the female city prison," He began, just starting the beginning of the explanation that he was sure would piss Leonica off. And just as assumed, her brows knitted together at the mention of Angelina's name. Why had Gabriel gone to visit Angelina?

"But when he returned he was acting strange, much like the way he acted before the fire accident."

Leonica's eyes twitched. "What?"

"He acted the same, almost as if he hadn't lost his memories in the first place, but that wasn't what worried me, it was his sudden interest in you. He requested that I keep tabs on you, monitor you and report to him every week and would occasionally ask me to look into your family." "What?" Leonica's tone was low, and her expression blank. She wasn't quite sure how to feel, no scratch that, she sure as hell knew how to feel, it's just that her emotions were currently being delayed from the news she was hearing.

Gabriel had been watching her, not Jamil. So the person she saw in the woods that night, was Billy, not someone Jamil had watching her. The camera shuttering sound she heard back at the café when Megan met up with Rodrigo, wasn't a coincidence, but rather it was Gabriel watching her.

She clenched hed jaws, feeling her anger rising. It explained why he wasn't surprised when she introduced herself as Tyche Smith, because he already knew. And the news of her ankle, on one had spread it, it was simply Billy who had reported back to him. The more she thought about all his actions, the more she felt sick and angry. To think she had forgiven him, thought that he had changed. To think she was about working on her damn attitude towards him, believing that she was being to harsh. Chuckling, she placed her hand on her forehead and paced. "Wow, wow and wow. I can't believe I was played for a fucking fool. I actually thought he was a changed man, but nope, he was playing me from the fucking beginning." "luce mia," Owen called, hoping to calm her before she went overboard.

But she ignored him, once again fixing her attention on Billy. "And what's this shit about him acting weird? Has he regained his memories?"

"I'm not sure, but Doctor Bailey thinks so."

"Doctor Bailey knows of this?" Leonica chuckled louder. "Wow, just wow." She was laughing. "I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore, after all, Gabriel has always been a scumbag."

With a sigh, the smile on her lips completely disappeared and she stared into the far distance of the darkness.

Both Owen and Billy were unsure of what to do, the Former was about to speak when Leonica beat him to it.

"I'll fucking kill him," She spat, surprising both male when she began storming towards the car. "Where is he?" She asked Billy.

"At the office." He reluctantly answered.

Owen chased after her. "Leonica-"

"You can either get in the car and follow me, or failed at trying to stop me," She didn't even turn to him as she spoke. "But trust me, it won't end pretty if you chose the second option." "Ms. Romero, please wait," It was Billy's turn to try and stop her, but he only ended up receiving a chilly glare from her.

"Try and stop me and I swear to fucking God that your entire family would go missing by the crack of dawn."

With a gulp, Billy stepped away from the door, allowing her to slam it shut and start the engine.

Owen stood there, staring at her as if she had just grown two heads, but soon his expression turned firm and he too rushed towards the car, slipping into the seat beside her.

Minutes after they had driven off, Billy sighed and pulled out his phone. Even if he had screwed Gabriel over, it was best to call and inform him of the storm coming his way, because it wasn't looking pretty in the least bit.

By the time Leonica had arrived at Bryce Empire, she was absolutely livid, fuming red from head to toe as she stormed into the office.

The people at the reception had barely any time to register her presence before she was already at the elevator, slamming her hand on the button to open the door. When they finally did and the doors slid open, she stepped in, followed closely by Owen who had stepped out of the car despite she telling him to wait back. "Leonica," He began, more concerned for Gabriel than anything else. No one, not even your greatest enemy should wish upon you the wrath of an angry woman.

"I'm fine," She flashed him a smile that nearly looked unhinged. "I'm fine." She repeated as the elevator dinged, opening on the president floor.

She stormed her way towards Gabriel's office, stopping just outside his door to turn to Owen.

"Please, wait here," She raised her leg up and pecked his cheek with a sweet smile. "It'd only be a brief talk."

Owen knew their talk was going to be anything but that, but choose not to say anything. He merely nodded and watched her push open the door.

Leonica slammed it shut, catching Gabriel's attention and causing him to look up from his laptop.

"Leonica?" He said, slightly shocked and surprised by her sudden arrival, but was quick to stand up to welcome her when he noticed the expression on her face. "Why are you here? Is everything-"

He didn't get the chance to complete his words as Leonica stormed up to him and without hesitation punched him right in the face.

Gabriel clutched his nose, groaning loudly as he took a few steps back.

"You son of a bitch," She spat. "How could you have Billy spy on me." Gabriel's face paled upon hearing her words. "And your memories, when we're you going to fucking tell me they were back?" "Leonica, I can explain." Gabriel began, earning a nod and a furious expression from Leonica.

"Of course you can," She said. "You always have an explanation for each of your fucking actions. But you see, this time around is going to be different in what sense? I ain't going to listen you the shit you say." She hissed. "To think I fucking forgave and trusted you! No, fuck me, Ashley, he's your son! Do you know the number of times I have to comfort him when he comes crying because his asshole of a father can't 'remember' him?"

"Leonica," Gabriel tried calling out.

"No!" Leonica shouted, the rage she was feeling was enough to blind her. "I'm talking and you're fucking listening. You screwed up Gabriel, real bad this time around. I trusted you, forgave you for all the shit you previously put me through and how do you repay me? You get your fucking assistant to tail me, dig into my family and even lie about the one thing meant so much to Ashley, hurting him."

She didn't even pause to catch her breath, letting out all the frustration and anger that had been building within her.

"All this while, you've known that

you've gained back your memories, but you decided to lie and fool me, all because you didn't want to lose the role of the saint who didn't remember a shit he had done. What a fucking coward you are, Gabriel. I really don't know why I even bothered to forgive you, or believed that you've changed, perhaps I should have stuck with my decision to cut you off. I wouldn't be in this situation if I had done so."

"Leonica, you don't mean all these, you're simply speaking out of anger." Gabriel tried to soothe her but he was doing a damn bad job at it.

"Yeah, I am angry. I'm beyond furious, I want to kill you, Gabriel, I really do." She took a deep breath, and then another and then a third, aiming to calm herself down. "But I won't, not because I fear the law, but because I'd hurt Ashley even more if I were to do that." Gabriel sighed in relief and stepped forward, ready to comfort her when she suddenly raised her leg up and kicked him in the shin.

"Don't you even think of coming close to me," She hissed. "You and I, we're fucking done Gabriel."

Gabriel groaned. "You don't mean that. We have Ashley, we can't be done."

"Fuck you Gabriel! If that's the mentality you've been living by then, I'm sure Ashley will do a better job of surviving without a father than with one." She glared at him.

Gabriel shook his head. "You don't mean that Leonica. I'm sorry okay." He said as he straightened up and succeeded in holding her wrist. "It was a stupid move of mine, I allowed Angelina's words get to me, I'm sorry."

"Fuck you, fuck your apology and fuck Angelina, I'm done with this shit." Gabriel's hold on her wrist tightened and he tugged her closer. "Let go." She demanded.

"I won't, until you look me in the eyes and tell me that you're lying, that you'd forgive me." He said, tugging on her once more when she avoided his gaze. "Look me in the eyes Leonica, and say all you just said if you know it's true."

Silence veiled the entire room, but soon enough, Leonica met Gabriel's eyes and with burning hatred, spat, "Everything I've said up until now is true. I'm done, Gabriel. We're over, and it's not a lie."

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