
Baby 15

Chapter 15

Dean: noveldrama

I ran my fingers through my hair as I entered the house.

My heart raced against my ribcage and the last thing that I wanted was to hear Mariana’s voice. But of course, I knew my luck and I knew for fact that she would not be quieting down, mostly because I was out of the house for a while without bothering to answer her calls.

If anything, the two of us were yet to even talk about what she did at the office, and that was something that she knew I hated, I didn’t allow her to come considering that she had nothing to do there. No shares, no job, no meetings, and no work; therefore, for her to come and think that she could question what I was doing, now that was not something that I was going to allow. Nor was it something that I was going to allow her to believe that she could do.

“Dean, I am your wife, not some maid that you hired to come cook and clean.” She said when I didn’t even bother to kiss her. I had to admit, the last thing that I wanted was any physical contact with her, but of course, this was Mariana that I was talking about. Explaining to her that I just wanted to be alone was like telling a toddler that they needed to go and take a nap.

“You don’t cook or clean, Mariana. There are five maids for the two of us in this house; therefore, don’t act like you do anything around.” I said, heading toward the room. I had one maid when I was married to Iris, and her duty was to take care of cleaning and help Iris with whatever she needed in the kitchen. “And the two of us still need to talk about what you did today at the office. Don’t you dare think that I am going to let it side, do you understand me?”

When it came to taking care of the house’s needs, it was Iris who was in charge. However, with Mariana, the woman didn’t know the basics of setting a table, and therefore, I was forced to hire four maids and their headmistress as well as two other drivers to tend to the thousands of things that she ‘needed.

“I take care of myself to be presentable when you arrive, Dean. Plus, you know that I have a busy morning schedule. I can’t cook and clean while tending to the social duties that I have to take care of.” She said, making me fight back rolling my eyes. By social duties, she meant shopping, going to the gym to socialize, the spa, and a few foundations that had her ‘mingling‘ with the other women. She knew for fact that it was not what I meant but at this point, I didn’t want to bother with this. The last thing that I needed was to speak to the woman about whatever duties she needed to take care of as a wife. “As for what happened at the office, I am sorry, I can’t risk losing you as a husband to a gold digger like Iris. You and I both know what she did during your marriage and what she was after. If she was back for it again, then she would be finding me in her face.”

I had to fight back laughing at her statement. If Iris, the woman who has barely gotten anything from me, was a gold digger, then I didn’t know what Mariana was. I knew for fact that it wasn’t Iris who was after anything, she proved it to me over the years, but by the time that I was sure of it, I

already in too deep with Mariana. The woman and I were already lovers who wanted to be together, and Iris was only an obstacle that I wanted to get rid of. It was something that I knew killed Iris inside, and that was something that I regretted two months into my marriage with




“Plus, I am here for you and am more than willing to take care of my duties as my wife with you. All you have to do is allow me to.” She whispered, standing on her toes to kiss me. I put my hand on her waist and slowly pushed her away, not wanting her to touch me. The woman had to be fucking mental if she thought that she could easily seduce the that way. I wanted a wife, and not a hooker, and with her, I couldn’t find it in me to want to think of building a family.

“Dean, I am begging you to try and help us work out. I don’t know what it is that I did that has you this angry with me, but for fucks sake, I am trying to work things out between us.” She said, growing frustrated. I had to fight back rolling my eyes at her words as I raised an eyebrow. She kept her eyes on mine for a few seconds before taking a step back, understanding my silent message.

“Are you going to file for a divorce with me too?” She asked, making me frown in confusion. She didn’t know how much I wanted to end our marriage, but I wasn’t stupid, first, I had no true and valid reason for it. The two of us had our conflicts, but that was normal in all houses, and two, I knew that I couldn’t face anyone with the fact that they were right about her being my wife. “Is there someone else in your life? I need to know to mentally prepare myself.

“Where did that come from?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. She took a step back and looked away from me, knowing that she was crossing limits by opening up a past that she knew that she too was responsible for. Iris was the victim in our affair. The woman was an angel and I the demon who lost her, but Mariana knew for fact that she had her own part in this as well. It sickened me to admit that she knew

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