Fated is overrated

Chapter 49

Lola POV

F*******ck!!! The one place I didn't want to end up! And now I have

nowhere else to go as 5 rogues are chasing me right to it. But I can't cross the border, that is a death sentence on its own. Diverting to the right to walk around the border, I see one of the rogues who was circling me, approaching me head-on. I don't even have time to think I just act on instinct as I jump just as the rogue is about to reach me. With the momentum both of us were carrying I fly over the rogue and he runs way past me before even realizing I had moved.

Normally I would have jumped on top of the rogue to at least land a solid blow, but my weak a*s got the timing all wrong today. F*ck this is going to be bad. 'Just focus Lola! Don't dwell focus' Liberty supports me.

I take her advice and focus on where the others are coming from. 2 are approaching from my right, 2 from the back and 1 is trying to get ahead of me to close me in.noveldrama

I need to act before the last has me surrounded I think to myself. The rogues to my right are the closest and are closing in towards me fast. One of them lunges toward me and I manage just in time to dodge.

As I am walking very close to the border, the rogue accidentally lunges himself past the border and into the royal Kingdom. Hearing the sound of silver snapping together swiftly followed by agonizing howls from the rogue this can only mean one thing - it has fallen into some sort of trap. Well that's 1 down, 4 to go! And good to know the place is boobytrapped.

The second one having obviously learned from his comrade's mistake - inches closer, so he can lunge towards me with less force and will be less likely to jump across the border if he misses me. From the corner of my eye I am watching him intently, waiting for the telltale signs that he is going to lunge.

And just when he does I drop to the floor and use all my strength to kick the rogue as hard as I possibly can in his belly-effectively launching him into the Royal territory purposely this time.

Having no time to dwell I jump up and make a run for it again as the 2 from behind are closing in fast. Just as I glance across the shoulder to check how much of a lead I have there is a huge explosion coming from the Royal territory in the spot where I had just launched the rogue onto.

The explosion although he was launched a respectable amount of feet away from me - is so strong it knocks me over with a bang and I can feel my head hitting something hard with a thud.

I immediately lose sense of my surroundings as I can only focus on the splitting headache and the feeling of warm liquid oozing from my head. Oh goddess no! Please don't do this to me now with 2 rogues hot on my tail! I have to get up!!

Stumbling to my feet I drop head first into the ground again, f*ck! 'Lib, some help here please... 'on it. Using accelerated healing, but it's going to cost almost all the strength that was left for me, you'll have to do it on your own' despite my condition I grin at her words 'so what's different from normal? I am used to fighting on my own'.

She just snorts at my comment and as she uses the accelerated healing I start to feel better by the second. Or minute, I lost track of time here.

Once I don't see everything double anymore I start getting to my feet, glancing behind me I see the rogues also took a hit and are also taking some time to gather their bearings - perfect! I need to get away from them asap.

Besides, if they hadn't already, I am positive the Royal forces are now aware of our presence with that big explosion going off.

I'm not sure how long it will take them to get to the border, but I sure as hell don't intend to stick around to find out. I have heard stories about rogues being executed even without them trespassing, so I just need to get the hell out of here.

Rogues are like a thorn in their eye and like it or not, I am a rogue now and I don't intend to die here.

I glance behind me to see the 2 rogues behind still unable to get up. But when I look in front of me I see the rogue who had come to circle me slowly getting up as well in his human form.

He was actually really close to me too, I hadn't even noticed how close he had gotten in the heat of the moment. Jolting away from him I feel a tug on my ankle as I start to fall face first to the ground again.

This time however I put my palms up in time to catch my fall. Glancing behind me I see the guy has his hand, wrapped around my ankle and a devilish smirk on his face.

Not having any time to waste I use my free foot to kick him in his face with such a force that I hear bones cracking. "YOU B*TCH!" he screeches out, but without letting go of my ankle.

I guess he needs another lesson I think to myself as I kick him in the face again, hard. Although clearly in severe pain, he doesn't let go of my ankle still. That stubborn f*cker! I pull myself towards him using the grip he has on my ankle as I wrap both legs around his head, holding him in a choke hold.

Unable to control my temper I say through gritted teeth "call me a b*tch one more time, you f*cking lap dog, I dare you!".

He loses consciousness but before I can finish him off completely I hear a loud voice bellow "ALL OF YOU, STOP!". I got so lost in the struggle I hadn't noticed the other 2 dimwits regaining their composure. And I for sure hadn't noticed the small army of Royal guards closing in on us.

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