Chapter 15
I’m sitting in Brewed Awakening waiting for Wren and Aisling to arrive, and I’ve already had the owner glare at me twice. I have my laptop open, and I’m going over my proposal again, in order to ignore the steely eyed gaze of the grumpy alpha standing just behind the counter.
My tattoos are all covered by my green hoodie under my peacoat. I could take it off, but it’s still cool in the coffee shop, despite the warmth given off by the espresso machines.
My glasses give me the nerdy vibe that you’d expect from someone who creates websites, and I appear to be the least lethal alpha in my pack, despite the gun I have at the small of my back.
I also have a knife at my ankle, because we still have enemies. This is considered light self defense in my world. Aiden and Evan are usually more heavily armed whenever they leave the house.
Taking a sip of my London fog latte, I sit back, noticing that there’s another alpha next to the owner. They have similar tall, bulky builds, though they look very different. The one who’s joined the owner has colorful tattoos crawling up his arms, his brown hair and green eyes sit in stark contrast to the other man.
Are they related? They seem to stand similarly as they talk to each other too.
The door to the coffee shop opens a few minutes before four o’clock, which is when my appointment is with the founders of Omega’s Haven. I wonder if she’ll recognize me from when she ran into me.
Despite the cold last November, my tattoos were on display. I’ll pivot on the fly if she does recognize me, it’s not a crime to walk on the sidewalk.
Wren and Aisling walk into the shop with Ambrose bringing in the rear, and I notice how the owner straightens as his gaze lasers in on my girl. What the fuck?
“Aisling?” I swear the alpha’s voice sounds like a gunshot across the quiet din of the coffee shop. Turning, Aisling gives him a huge smile.
“Hey, Mr. Lars!” she says sweetly, glancing around quickly for me. I angle the orchid sticker on my laptop toward her and she beams at me, holding a finger up as she walks over to the owner.
“Hey, yourself, stranger,” the owner growls, stalking out from behind the counter with the other alpha behind him. The predatory way that they move mark them as related, but she doesn’t look scared as they both crush her into hugs.
Relaxing a small amount, I force back the growl that’s growing in my chest. If I’d been told at some point that this was the coffee shop she’d worked at, I definitely have forgotten. It makes sense that Aisling would choose a meeting place where she felt comfortable.
Has she seen the owner since she went to live with the boss?
Certainly doesn’t look like it.
Is the other guy the bar owner? I have too many questions and not enough answers. Fuck, and now I have to reel in my crazy because Wren is walking over here.
“Hi, Caelin?” she asks. Standing, I nod with as soft of a smile as I can muster.
“That’s me. Are you Wren or Aisling?” I ask. Since I work behind the scenes, I’m not someone that the families know well, despite how long I’ve worked for Cian.
Ambrose doesn’t give me a second glance as he grabs a chair at the table next to me. It’s clear he’s going to stick around, but not interject unless needed. That’ll work for me.
“I’m Wren,” she says with a nod. “Aisling will be by in a bit. It’s been too long since she’s seen the owner and his brother. Can you show me some of the ideas you have for us?”
Moving closer to her with my laptop, I ignore Ambrose’s growl, though I keep plenty of space between us. I get it, man, I do. I still have to get this done though.
“It sounds like you need something with clean lines that will show all of the services you want to offer. Maybe also an area discussing things that are coming soon?” I ask, toggling through the mockup I made.
The ad had discussed some of this, and then I pulled together a deeper dive of Omega’s Haven through word of mouth. “Do you have any social media accounts?”
“We do,” Wren says with a nod. “I’ve been running them since Aisling is at the Haven more often. As we add services, I update the accounts. Omega Link is one I just joined as Omega’s Haven, and it’s more of a microblogging platform. I’ve been learning a lot about these.”
Ambrose gives an indulgent smile, and I bet his face muscles don’t often get a lot of movement in that direction. I know for a fact, though, that people think the same of our pack, so I shouldn’t give him so much shit.
“It’ll be a good way to push the website too,” I explain. “I can create and offer maintenance as well for the website.”
Aisling hurries over, wiggling out of her coat as she sits. I heard she got into an altercation with Pack Dayton, but I don’t see any blood on her clothes. She also looks perfectly normal and happy.
Huh, looks like our girl isn’t a stranger to violence.
“I’m so sorry about that,” she says breathlessly. “I didn’t think they were going to let go.”
Wren chuckles under her breath and Aisling shrugs.
“I’m here now, I promise. Where are we?” she asks.
Looping her in, I discuss ideas, and Aisling and Wren volley them back. We go over the price point as well, even though I really want to donate it to them and call it a tax write off.
“What is your stance on donation for services?” I ask. “I want to donate the website and upkeep to the Haven. Having a place to disseminate information is an important part of driving people who need your services to you. Things that your possible residents or outreach clients will need to know are if you take male and female omegas. Do you have that on your socials?”
“We were talking about that the other day,” Wren says as Aisling nods. “While I do have that on social media when I post, we still worry about if male omegas will feel comfortable coming to see us.”
“Do you have any males on staff?” I ask. I’m curious, because it could help if there are.
“We have two male betas currently working for us that aren’t working security,” Aisling says. “One works our hotline, while the other works with clients in Outreach. I would love to see a male omega coming into the group we run weekly, but our male omega is a bit of a recluse.”
Ambrose glances at us a moment before picking up his phone to fiddle with it. I still see the flash of pain, making me wonder if something’s wrong with their omega. Domh mentioned how protective they are of Aisling as well, stating that Pack Mohan considers her family.
We’re going to need to be careful as we navigate very tumultuous waters.
“That makes sense,” I say with a nod. “Do you have a mission statement? Maybe we can work it into it and put it at the forefront of the website too.”
“Are you serious about donating all of this time?” Wren asks, eyes wide. “We won’t say no, but we do have a budget to pay you for this.”
“Save it for something else,” I tell her easily with a shrug. “I really want to do this.”
Aisling gazes at me for a moment as if she’s trying to place me, but I jump into something else to distract her. An hour later, Domh is walking into the coffee shop, his eyes looking for Aisling. He pretends not to notice me before nodding to himself when he sees our little poppet.
Walking over to the counter, he places a coffee order, chatting a bit with the owner. Mr. Lars grunts as he speaks with Domh, and I decide Aisling is a pretty special person to have such a curmudgeon on her side.
“I’ll send you the link to the website before I make it live for approval,” I tell Aisling and Wren, closing up the laptop.
“Can I see your forearm?” Aisling asks boldly. “You have a tattoo, right?”
“Finally recognized me, hmm poppet?” I ask with a chuckle, pulling up my sleeve. The compass moves up my entire arm in shades of black ink. It’s to remind me that my pack is my true north.
I stop short of where the word Hayes is written, because that’s information she doesn’t need yet.
The orchid on my laptop is a color version of what Domh has on his arm, but it’s different enough that it shouldn’t trigger the association. Every step is carefully choreographed for success with Aisling, and if we need to pivot, we do.
Soon, poppet. You’ll see you’re ours.
“It took me a second,” she says with a grin. “You should have said something.”
“It was a couple of months ago at best,” I remind her. “Though, I haven’t forgotten. Now I have a name to attach to the pretty omega.”
Wren smirks as they stand together, and Domh smiles at Aisling as he walks over to her with a beverage in both hands.
“All finished?” he asks as she pulls on her coat.
“Yes, I’m really happy with the direction of our website,” she says, winking at me.
“Good, you’ve had a busy day. Pick me up?” he suggests, handing her a cup of coffee.
Taking a sip, she gives a happy little squeal. Mr. Lars glances over to make sure she’s alright, before nodding when he sees she’s drinking coffee. Apparently, Aisling is a coffee addict.
“Mmm. How did you know this is my favorite?” she asks, grabbing her bag. Her mittens are firmly in place and her hat and scarf are as well. Aisling looks adorable.
“The girl at the counter told me,” Domh says. “Can I take your bag? It looks heavy.”
I’m really fucking jealous that he gets to cater to her. I don’t think he’s ever acted like this for anyone. Domh is sensitive to the needs of those he cares about, but this is new for him. It doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy pushing her to her limits, but does mean that she’s more likely to survive it.
As Aisling hands over her bag, she gives Wren a hug goodbye.
“I’ll see you soon,” she promises with a smile.
“Flynn may need a chat soon,” Ambrose rumbles as he ambles over. “Maybe Friday?”
I feel as if they’re talking in code, but a shadow moves over her face before she nods.
“Yeah, that’s New Year’s Eve. I’ll let my dad know I’ll be with you for it,”Aisling says.
“Did you have plans?” Wren asks hesitantly.
“No, other than brunch with the family,” Aisling says. “I’ll come over afterward.”
That settled, Wren and Ambrose walk out of the coffee shop, and I stand with my bag slung over my shoulder.
Aisling is a light that collects people who are typically very closed off. It’s intriguing to say the least. There’s something really fucking special about her.
“Talk soon, Aisling. Maybe we’ll run into each other again,” I tell her, giving her a smile as I walk out. Domh gives me an amused look as I leave, because we’ll be seeing her sooner than she thinks.
My mind is reeling a little as I climb into Domh’s truck. He reaches over and pulls my seatbelt across me, surprising me before he kisses my forehead.
Oh. Well, that was nice.noveldrama
Watching as he closes the door and walks around, I marvel at how quiet my mind is now. I was thinking about how worried I am that Flynn has an appointment Friday morning with Dr. Alys, despite it being New Year’s Eve. She knows there’s a need for therapy and counseling, so she’s trying to see as many people as possible.
It’s why Ambrose mentioned it in front of a stranger. Pack Mohan is very private, but this trumped everything else. Flynn is going to need his people around him after that appointment. I’m off on Friday thankfully, and everything at Omega’s Haven is covered for that day, which is why I’m having brunch with my family.
But now, I just feel light and happy, which is silly, right? A little attention from a gorgeous alpha shouldn’t be able to quiet the twenty different internet browsers open in my mind at any given time.
“Ready for dinner?” he asks next to me as I take a sip of my coffee. Mmm. Caffeine and the promise of food. I’m absolutely ready.
“Yes,” I say with a smile. “I think that sounds wonderful. Today has been a day.”
“Outside of the stabbing, what else happened?” he asks with a chuckle.
“Therapy sucked big hairy monkey balls, but in a good way,” I say cryptically. “So, I decided to get breakfast at a place down the street. As I typically do, I have my alpha pheromone blocker gel on. I’m usually very aware of my surroundings, but I didn’t realize Pack Dayton was in front of me until I turned around.”
“Their inability to keep their hands off you isn’t your fault,” Domh says, pulling onto the street. “That’s what happened, right? I doubt you just felt the need to stab one of them. I only got snippets of text. Tell me everything.”
Taking a breath, I nod. “Fredrick told me that I cost them everything, but I don’t know what he meant by that. Hollis took them off the app due to their behavior. Otherwise, I think they were being overdramatic.”
“I heard Pack Dayton had to crawl back to their parents because they somehow lost their fancy jobs. Someone put a bug in their boss’ ear that they traffic omegas,” Domh says smugly. “I don’t know who it was, however enough people know about what happened during your date for people to start talking. Hollis is very well connected and respected.”
“Wow,” I whisper.
“Mmhmm. I looked into things today, and Pack Dayton’s boss is a male omega who does very well for himself,” Domh says. “He found out who you were after the rumors hit his ears and fired the lot of them.”
“That’s incredibly nice,” I say. “I mean—”
“Trafficking omegas happens far too often,” he sighs. “Fisher Morris hates the business of it. His pack has their hands full with keeping his ass out of the fire, since he’s been very active in peeing in as many people’s cheerios as possible the second he finds out they’re involved in trafficking.”
“As it should be,” I cheer.
“I can see if he’ll take a meeting with you,” Domh says. “He would be a great advocate to have on your side. The man is a damn pitbull.”
“Think I should?” I ask, surprised. “I doubt he’ll want to talk to a nineteen-year-old.”
“He fired some of his best employees already for you, Sugar,” Domh growls. God, this man’s voice does the most delicious things to me. Shivering, I squirm, holding back a whine.
“Okay,” I squeak, swallowing hard.
“Now tell me what happened next,” he insists. Domh’s lips twitch as if he knows exactly what he’s doing to me, but doesn’t give any other signs.
“Taylor grabbed my arm and yelled at me that I needed to change their streak of bad luck,” I remember, biting my lip. “It felt as if he was trying to break my arm as he yanked it back. I didn’t feel anything because my adrenaline spiked so hard, and I just reacted. I pulled out my knife and pressed it against his dick, a clear sign that he needed to let go.”
“I’m jealous your knife touched someone else’s dick,” Domh mumbles. “I just want you to know that.”
Rolling my eyes at him, I shake my head even as I blush. “I don’t know what to do with that,” I say honestly. “Anyway, I told Pack Dayton to forget my name, and Harold said they should have sold me. Things escalated, I guess.”
Snorting, Domh shrugs. “Fuck around and find out at it’s finest,” he grunts, pulling into a parking lot. The sign boasts Indian food, and my stomach growls.
I don’t blame it, since I’m out of coffee, and I skipped lunch today.
“Aisling, your growling stomach gives me anxiety,” he says. “I just want to feed you so it’ll stop.”
Smirking, I get out of the truck once he parks. “I eat when I can during busy days,” I admit, linking my fingers in his as we walk toward the restaurant.
I can smell the food from here, and I can’t wait to eat. I haven’t had Indian food, but love trying new things.
“I’m the same way, but it makes me irrationally angry when it’s you,” Domh sighs. “You do so much for people, please take care of yourself too.”
There’s a line, but Domh smiles at the hostess and gives his name. He’s lucky my meeting didn’t go longer. Honestly, I’m really happy I don’t have to wait forever to eat, when all of these incredible smells are surrounding me.
“Why did you choose to practice law?” I blurt out once we’re seated. I’ve been wondering for a while, but keep forgetting to ask.
“I enjoy finding the loopholes in things,” he murmurs, leaning forward. Domh gazes at me as if he wouldn’t mind eating me instead, and I shift in my chair, discreetly rubbing my thighs together.
I could hear him talk to me for hours. It’s as if his voice is touching me in places it shouldn’t be possible.
“I examine every word, find where the vulnerability is, and then attack it.”
“How do you manage to make the law sound so savage?” I ask.
“For me, it’s exactly that,” Domh says with a toothy grin. “You’re squirming an awful lot, Sugar. Do you need some assistance?”
“No, thank you,” I squeak, realizing the raw, sexual side of Domh makes me both excited and nervous. I may have poked the beast a bit too much.
“You let me know if you need a trip to the restroom, so I can peel off those tights and have my appetizer,” he growls.
The waitress walks up just as he finishes speaking, but doesn’t show any signs of having heard. Glancing at the menu I’ve been ignoring, I feel a bit stressed because I’m still starving and have no idea what I want.
Taking pity on me, Domh says, “I can order if you’re overwhelmed, Aisling. Would that help?”
“Yes, please,” I rasp. “I’ve never had Indian food before, but everything smells amazing.”
Nodding approvingly, he asks, “Do you like spice?”
“I do, as long as I can still taste my food,” I admit. Smirking, he orders for both of us, handing the menus to the waitress.
Sounds like he ordered some kind of chicken curry. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be delicious. Usually, I hate when guys order for me. I have a mouth, and I assure you that I can use it.
Unfortunately, I’m just too overwhelmed by the thought of Domh’s large tattooed hands pulling down my tights and eating me out until I come on his tongue.
He already got my first kiss today. I wouldn’t mind giving him a few more of my firsts.
Moving closer to me, his hand lands on my thigh, massaging it gently as I pant.
“You have no idea how gorgeous and tempting you are right now,” he murmurs, his lips against the shell of my ear. “Sugar cookies are my weakness, and that’s all I can smell, Aisling. Your scent follows me in my dreams. I need you on my tongue, to fucking bathe in you.”
“Domh,” I whimper, and his eyes flutter closed.
“Fuck, you’ve been keeping that from me, haven’t you?” he rumbles. “Your sweet whimpers are mine. I want them all for myself.”
Flushing, I think about the scent that’s gone in my closet now, which is now a phantom memory I can’t help but chase. I understand so much better than Domh thinks I do, but I can’t say that. I want to stay in this moment with him.
“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for,” I rasp.
“Hmm. Sugar, I really do. I bet you make the prettiest noises when you come,” he rumbles.
Flushing, I bite my lip, shrugging. “I wouldn’t know,” I whisper.
“Fuck, I plan to change that,” he growls. “Telling me this is dangerous, baby girl. Let’s change the subject because you deserve better than a bathroom fuck.”
God, that escalated quickly.
Domh keeps his hand on my thigh as he smoothly changes the subject, but I’m still suffering as his hand continues to slide up. Soon, my eyes are fluttering as his thumb moves to rub over my covered pussy.
“Domh,” I moan softly. There’s enough people around chattering that they can’t hear, but his gemstone green eyes refuse to look away from me.
“My control is so damn thin around you,” he mutters. “I’ve wanted to tear a hole in these since you climbed into my truck, Sugar. I chose a very busy restaurant in the hopes it would help.”
“This is help?” I gasp.
His smile is predatory as he nods. “Mmhmm. If we were anywhere else, I’d already be under the table,” he says with a dark chuckle.
The food comes a moment later, and his hand moves away after squeezing my thigh. Breathing a sigh of both relief and sadness, I twitch my dress into place as we begin eating.
“I noticed the owner of Brewed Awakening couldn’t stop glancing over at you. Who is he?” Domh asks curiously. There’s an undercurrent of possessiveness that I can hear clearly, making me smile around my bite of delicious curry.
“He gave me my first job,” I tell him, taking a sip of water. There’s some heat to my food, but it’s honestly perfect. “I picked up a part time job when I was in high school. I dropped out at sixteen and started working there full time, and his brother hired me at his bar. No, he didn’t really care that I was underaged.”
I skip over quite a bit that he probably already knows as my father’s lawyer, because it’s so damn depressing. Talking about how you lived with your mother’s dead body just to keep a roof over your head isn’t good date talk.
“Okay then,” he says, mollified.
“Mr. Lars and Caleb were overprotective, but they did their best to make sure I was as safe as possible,” I explain. “I didn’t make it easy because I’m stubborn.”
“Being on your own couldn’t have been easy,” Dohm murmurs. He knows a bit about my past between things my father and I have told him. “You were a minor living on the streets, the authorities are always a concern.”
“Which is why I didn’t say a word, though they put things together on their own,” I admit, continuing to eat. “I haven’t seen either of them in over a year, but I was able to today. Caleb doesn’t usually go into the coffee shop, so it was a nice surprise.”
Mr. Lars is always careful of new people, I’m sure that’s reason enough for him to call his brother.
Dinner is delicious, and Domh pays the bill before we leave. His hand lays possessively on the small of my back as we walk out, helping me into the truck as he usually does. Every move is made with careful attention, and he pulls my seatbelt into place once I’m seated. It makes me smile as he brushes my lips with his before closing the door.
Domh hums to himself as he drives, his hand back on my thigh.
“Again?” I whimper, making him smile.
“Yes, baby. Only this time, you definitely are going to come,” he growls, pulling into an empty alley. “It’s not perfect, but my truck is clean.”
Unsnapping my seatbelt, he pulls me over the console into his lap. Pushing my coat down my arms, Domh kisses me as he tosses it to the side. My scarf is removed next, his nimble fingers unbuttoning my dress.
“Tell me no,” he groans. I can feel his cock under me, and I answer by grinding down on him, moaning. “Jesus wept, Sugar. You’re going to kill me.”
“More,” I gasp and he pushes my dress open and shoves my bra cups down.
“I’m sorry,” he grunts, grabbing my knife. “Tell me you trust me.”
I’m panting as I watch him open the knife, the blade running gently over my covered thighs, but not enough to cut through the knit fabric.
“Why are you sorry?” I ask, my head dropping as his warm, wet mouth opens to suck on my breast. “Oh, fuck, Domh.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry because I want to cut a hole in your tights. I promise I won’t cut you,” he pants, his eyes tortured as he gazes up at me. His tongue drags over my heated skin, making me shiver.
“Do it,” I beg. “Please.”
“So fucking perfect,” he murmurs. “Lean back.”
Doing as he asks, I’m careful not to hit the horn. Domh cuts through the dark fabric, but goes further when he drags his finger under the fabric of my panties. I’ve never had anyone touch me there, and I feel as if I’m going to hyperventilate with need.
The sweet scent of my slick immediately fills the air as he pulls my panties away from my pussy, cutting it open.
“Fuck yes,” he groans. “Come ride my fingers, Aisling.”
“I don’t… know what that is,” I whisper, feeling self conscious. Domh is a lot more experienced than I am.
“Good,” Domh grunts. “It’ll be my privilege to show you. Come here, Sugar.”
Shifting until I’m upright, his brightly tattooed knuckles rub through my slick, bumping over my clit. Whimpering, I find myself wanting more, my hips rising so he’ll do it again.
“Patience, baby,” he rasps, his other hand wrapping my hair around his fist. Moving me closer, he kisses me as though he wants to pull my soul from my body. Nipping my lips for entry, his tongue sucks on mine, making me moan loudly.
I don’t know who I am as I hold tightly to Domh’s hair, because I’m all about fair play. His lips are addicting, and then two fingers push into my pussy, making me wail. His mouth swallows my cries as he groans, his thumb rubbing over my clit.
“I got you, Sugar,” he murmurs. “Rock those luscious hips for me. Fuck my fingers back.”
His words make me clench around his fingers, and I can feel the way his chest is heaving as he claims my lips again. His fist releases my hair once he knows I’ll continue to kiss him in favor of squeezing my breast firmly, his fingers rolling my nipples and pulling. It’s the sweetest form of torture as his fingers fuck my pussy, slowly stretching me as he adds another.
“Domh,” I gasp.
“So fucking tight,” he praises me. “Be a good little omega and strangle my fingers when you come. I’ll imagine what it’ll feel like the day you take my knot.”
My mind imagines how good it’ll feel even though I’ve never had sex or a knot, and there’s no more words between us as he tortures my breasts with his mouth. His beard adds to the feeling as it rubs over the sensitive underside of my breasts.
I have a feeling my skin will be red afterward, a reminder of tonight I won’t mind having. Domh’s fingers begin to curl inside of me, rocking over a new area that makes me mewl.
“That’s a good girl,” he growls, biting down on my nipple as I scream. There’s something about his praise that throws me over the edge, making me squirt all over his fingers as I come hard.
My slick is all over his pants, and I can feel his cock pressing against my thigh. His six-foot-five frame means he’s big everywhere. My body shudders at the thought, my eyes rolling as he milks my orgasms, pumping his fingers inside my pussy.
“Just as gorgeous as I thought,” he murmurs, lifting his head. My chest is red from his beard, but my brain short circuits as he pulls his fingers from my pussy and paints my lips with it.
“Taste yourself with me.”
His lips crash over mine, groaning loudly as he sucks my lips. I can taste sugar cookies faintly as we kiss, and the entire truck smells like it. Pulling away, he shoves his fingers into his mouth, holding eye contact as he sucks them clean.
“Exactly as satisfying as I thought it would be,” he murmurs. “Next time, I plan to eat you out in a more comfortable setting, Aisling. I’m addicted.”
“Next time?” I breathe, panting as I watch his fingers move between my legs to swipe more slick from them before cleaning them with his mouth and tongue.
“There’s definitely going to be a next time, Aisling. You’re going to crave my touch, my tongue, and eventually my cock and my knot. Fuck, you made a mess of my pants, and I don’t even fucking care,” he grunts. “I never want to give you up.”
“But—” I begin, but he shakes his head, kissing me as he begins to fix my clothes. My bra is pulled up, my dress buttoned, and my knife tucked back into the holster, I have strapped to my thigh.
“We’ll figure out the details,” Domh growls. “Promise not to ghost me. I need you to keep talking to me.”
Helping me back into my seat as I gaze at him in a daze, not bothering to tell him that I can buckle myself in as he does it. I feel loose and languid, relaxed even after coming. My eyes move to the very apparent erection Domh is sporting and he glances down with a grin.
“My guys will be thanking you for that,” he says, driving out of the alley. “Evan will be home from work soon, and will happily drop to his knees to swallow down my cum.”
Why is my mouth watering at the thought of that?
“My pack and I are all together,” he explains as he navigates the roads. “We all fuck, love each other, depend on each other. All we’re missing is our perfect omega.”
It doesn’t bother me in the least that they’re all together. Life is lonely, it makes sense that the heart is able to expand and love multiple people. Domh’s eyes light up when he talks about them. They must be special.
My body is a little twitchy after having my first orgasm, and I perfume as I think about them all together. Fuck, my panties are not going to be doing their job now that he’s cut them all to hell.
Inhaling deeply, he groans. “So that’s what you hide from me,” he rumbles. My fingers curl inward as his voice plays me like a beloved instrument that he knows well.
“Fuck,” I whimper, shuddering. “I’d never be able to go anywhere otherwise.”
“Oh no, baby girl. Your slick is mine,” he grunts. “When you think of me, I hope your pussy reminds you how deep my fingers were inside of it. When you remember tonight, I hope your vision whites out from need. Call me when that happens, I want to see how your pussy glistens for me.”
“Your mouth is enough to kill me,” I groan.
“Not yet, Aisling. Maybe one day, while you’re riding my face, and you’re soaking my beard,” he says. “Fuck, my cock is already leaking. Damn, it’s worth it though.”
Sooner than I’m ready, he drops me off at Wren’s house, and I hurry to my car and jump inside, following him out. I look a mess. One of her alphas will get the wrong damn idea and shoot him.
God, my life is complicated.
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