Chapter 76
After we got back to my apartment and had a drink, Roberto told me his story –
And again he surprised me.
I listened to the tale of his first sexual experience with growing fascination.
I’d expected a blustery tale of Italian male ego, complete with how a-maaaaazing he was on the very first try.
What I hadn’t anticipated was the depth of vulnerability he allowed me to see – or his humility in actually asking a woman to teach him.
Other women might have disliked the part about a sex worker.
But I’d spent time as a dominatrix for hire, which is technically sex work. So I appreciated that he treated the woman in his story with dignity and respect – and even admiration, given that she’d taught him ‘everything he knew.’
I couldn’t wait to hear what she’d taught him –
And then he wouldn’t tell me, the little fucking tease.
So when he said he’d show me, well…
I was curious.
And he was incredibly handsome.
There was the same chorus of voices in my head I’d heard back in the restaurant –
This is a bad idea!
You shouldn’t do this!
But the Why not? voice won out.
It was one of the best choices I ever made in my life.
I took him to my bedroom, lit some candles, and teased him about how he was supposed to show me everything he’d learned.
I was a bit taken aback when he said, “And as I recall, you said you liked to be tied up.”
I thought we were just going to have vanilla sex.
Yes, I’d told him I enjoyed being tied up…
But bondage was normally something I only did with people I trusted deeply.
As soon as he said it, though, a thrill ran through my body.
A sensation of danger and excitement – and pure desire –
That I hadn’t felt in years…
Not since that night in the sex club in Bangkok.
However, I knew so much more now than I had then.
At the time, I hadn’t realized how stupid it was to put my safety in the hands of a stranger without knowing if he was properly trained.
And yet…
It had been one of the most erotic and fulfilling sexual experiences I’d ever had.
It had also been my first step towards an entirely new life.
As I stood there hesitating, my head battling it out with my heart (to be honest, more like ‘battling it out with my pussy’) –
Roberto unexpectedly calmed me with his empathy.
“You have to trust me before you’re willing to do that,” he suggested.
I nodded.
He smiled. “Surely you have some scarves we could tie to the posts and wrap around your wrists without tying any knots. That way, you could get out whenever you want.”
Maybe he had done this before.
I was still hesitating…
When he spoke in a way I hadn’t heard before.
“Get them,” he said in a sexy, commanding voice.
I felt a stirring in my nether regions and a quickening of my pulse.
We’d flirted extensively with Roberto ‘telling me three times’ on several occasions –
But he’d never used that voice before.
In the battle between my head and pussy, Ms. Pussy won. Decisively.
I retrieved some scarves from my dresser that I used for bondage play and set them on the bed.
He examined one between his fingers…
Then walked over to my bed frame and started tying the scarves to the posts.
When he gestured for me to get on the bed, my nerves made me shy – and I tried to play it off with humor. “You haven’t even kissed me yet.”
“I will when the time’s right. Now get on the bed.”
That VOICE again…
I decided to play along.
I hopped up onto the bed…
But I also gave him a bit of resistance by crossing my legs and seeing what he would do.
“Not far enough,” he said –
Then scooped me up and threw me backwards onto the mattress.
It was both fun and exhilarating –
And very, very sexy.
I hadn’t been with many partners who could toss me around like that.
He didn’t look like a bodybuilder in his suit… he was more wiry than muscular…
But he could throw me around like a rag doll.
Still, when I realized just how physically powerful he was, I felt a tiny bit of fear.
“Well, that was a bit forward,” I joked.
(If you haven’t noticed yet, I tend to cover my nervousness with humor.)
He smiled and said, “We’re well past the point of my being a ‘bit’ forward.”
And then he looped the first scarf around my forearm.
I was immediately putty in his hands.
A lot of women who aren’t into kink don’t understand why I find bondage so hot.
It’s hard to explain.
It’s certainly not rational…
And a lot of it has to do with how desire and being restrained were first linked in my brain back when I was 16.
The best way of describing it is this:
Imagine (if you’re straight) that the hottest guy in the world is in front of you…
And he has the most beautiful, astoundingly hot cock you’ve ever seen. It makes you drip with desire just to look at it.
It’s rock hard…
You want it inside you so bad…
And then it brushes up against your bare arm.
You feel how hot his skin is…
How soft it is on the surface…
Yet how hard it is underneath…noveldrama
And now you want him inside you ten times worse.
That’s what it felt like when I got tied up:
That kind of need…
And want…
And anticipation.
All I knew was that when Roberto put the scarf around my arm, I wanted him to tie me up completely…
And I wanted him to fuck me.
He secured the other scarf the same way – looping it around my wrist several times. I had the sensation of being bound, but I knew I could easily get out if I wanted.
Then he walked to the foot of the bed and looked down at me.
I stared up at him, my heart thudding in my chest, and wondered what he would do.
I didn’t have to wait long to find out.
He gently grabbed my ankles –
And yanked me forcefully across the bed.
I cried out in surprise.
My ass was right at the edge of the bed –
My legs were now on either side of him –
And I could feel my dress bunched up.
But my arms were also tied to the posts –
Which was hot as fuck.
My breathing grew shallow as I waited to see what he would do.
I figured he would just whip out his dick and start fucking me.
Part of me couldn’t wait –
And part of me was like, Meh.
It had been so hot and unexpected thus far –
It would’ve been a shame to follow it with something so mundane.
Luckily, Roberto wasn’t into ‘mundane.’
He began to slowly caress my thighs.
The sensation was lovely…
But it was the feeling of my arms being bound – and my not being able to stop him – that really turned me on.
His fingers moved up beneath my dress…
Then gently pulled my panties to the side.
I gasped.
I was expecting him to finger me.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted that or not –
And it was the fear vying with my desire – reluctance versus anticipation – that made it so hot.
And yet… he didn’t do it.
Instead, he softly traced his fingertip over my pussy…
Until he reached my clit…
And started gently stroking my hood.
Most men just went right to town, rubbing as hard and as fast as they could –
But he was teasing me –
Torturing me with soft caresses.
Combine that with feeling powerless from being bound, and it was overwhelming.
My eyes rolled back in my head –
Until he used the Voice again.
“Look at me.”
Overwhelmingly masculine.
My eyes snapped right back to his.
He stared at me hypnotically in the candlelight…
As his fingertip kept slowly increasing the ecstasy between my legs.
I wanted to make him go faster –
I wanted to unwind my arms from the scarves and force him to touch me harder –
But I couldn’t.
All I could do was give in.
oh my fucking God what is he DOING to me –
My eyes rolled back in my head again –
Then came the Voice.
“Look at me.”
I struggled to keep my eyes open –
It was so hard –
I wanted him to fuck me so bad –
I wanted to COME so fucking BAD –
And then he took it a step further.
He pulled back my hood and touched my clit…
But it was so soft that I wasn’t actually sure if he’d done it.
I mean, he had –
I think –
All I knew was that he was driving me fucking crazy.
It was the anticipation of pleasure, the need for more –
And he wouldn’t fucking give it to me.
Well, okay, that’s not entirely accurate.
He did give me more and more pleasure…
But soooooo slow…
And sooooo soft…
That I wanted it harder –
Faster –
I wanted his cock buried deep inside me –
But he just kept touching me…
In a way I’d never been touched before, ever.
He gave me these little strokes that made me feel high, like I was on drugs –
And then he would suddenly stroke firmer in another direction, and it was like UNNNH, OH FUCK –
And then it would be the light, soft, little touches that made me almost cry with frustration –
And then a meaty stroke that made me groan like he was filling me up with his cock.
I was losing my fucking MIND.
I wanted to come so bad –
And I was close, so close –
And yet I couldn’t!
“Look at me.”
The Voice again.
That sexy, overpowering growl…
A command I couldn’t disobey.
That I didn’t want to disobey.
I struggled to look into his eyes, but it was so hard.
I was delirious with pleasure and longing and unfulfilled need.
I struggled against my bonds in frustration, which only made me hotter and want it more.
I tried pressing my hips forward, to grind my clit against his finger, so I could get some fucking release and finally COME –
But he would always back off, teasing me, taking me higher.
I wanted to come so bad –
I needed to come SO BAD!
“Please,” I groaned. “PLEASE!”
“Please what?” he whispered as he kept caressing me.
I wanted his cock filling me up –
I wanted it inside me so fucking bad –
“Fuck me,” I moaned.
“No. Not yet.”
I lifted my head and stared at him.
I’d never begged a guy to fuck me before and have him tell me ‘no.’
But he kept stroking me.
I was right on the fucking edge, and he wouldn’t let me come!
“What do you want?” he asked.
“What do want?” he growled.
“I want to come! I NEED to come!” I cried, nearly in tears from frustration.
“Alright. I’ll let you come… but only if you do what I say. Do you agree?”
At that point, I’d have done whatever he wanted.
“Yes – yes! Anything!”
“Alright – but don’t come until I tell you. Agreed?”
“Okay, yes, okay!” I cried out.
He used the Voice again, growling, “Look at me the whole time.”
I looked at him. It felt like I was stoned, it was so hard to focus on him.
“Don’t come,” he ordered.
“I won’t,” I moaned.
Suddenly, he gave it to me –
The delicious fucking bliss of his finger pressing firmer against me –
But I’d promised not to come.
The Voice had told me not to.
But it was so hard –
I could feel my entire body begging, weeping, screaming, trembling for release –
“DON’T COME,” the Voice snarled.
I was drowning in his gaze…
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
I gritted my teeth and went through heaven and hell all at once – wanting it so bad, but holding myself back.
He was rubbing me harder now, making it that much more difficult to hold on.
“DON’T COME!” the Voice roared, and his eyes were the only thing I could see.
I couldn’t hold on anymore. It was too much.
“OH GOD!” I screamed.
I felt like I might rip apart the scarves around my arms –
When suddenly his fingers filled me up, thicker and better than any cock I’d ever felt –
And a stroke on my clit that made me go insane –
As he whispered, “Come for me.”
It was like lightning passed between us –
And I lost all control.
I was screaming, thrashing, arching up off the mattress as the biggest, most powerful orgasm I’d ever had ripped through me, head to toe.
For what felt like forever, there wasn’t a single thought in my head –
Just ecstasy.
His fingers were still circling me – too much, too much pleasure, it was too much –
And then, slowly, he eased up…
And stopped.
I collapsed on the mattress, sweat pouring off my body, my dress soaked, and my legs quivering uncontrollably.
Roberto slowly rubbed my legs… massaging me for several minutes… until I felt like I finally had control over my body again.
I stared up at him the entire time…
And felt nothing but warmth, affection, and pure longing in his gaze.
I wasn’t sure I could handle him being inside me right now…
In fact, I was pretty sure I couldn’t.
I was on the verge of telling we couldn’t do anything – not yet –
When he walked around the side of the bed and undid the scarf on my left arm.
Then he did the same thing on my right.
As the cloth slid off my skin, another shudder of pleasure wracked my body, and I moaned, “Oh my GOD.”
He stood there grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
Just maybe…
I could do something to get him off, too.
“So… what happens next?” I asked breathlessly.
He did something I was not expecting.
He looked down at his watch and said, “My driver’s only here for another 10 minutes, so I better go.”
Then he turned and walked away.
What the fucking –
“WHAT?!” I yelled after him, enraged and incensed.
He grinned at me over his shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous about staying too long.”
He was doing a callback to something I’d said earlier, when I’d teased him about how long he would be at my place.
Then he walked out of the room.
What the –
As I got up from the bed, my legs nearly buckled, they were so weak.
But I was so fucking mad, I forced myself onwards anyway.
As I stomped out of the bedroom, I saw that he’d stopped in his tracks.
“You fucking ASSHOLE!” I shouted –
At which point he turned around and swept me off my feet.
I was more than shocked as he kissed me –
But then I realized this was all just part of his little stage play.
Bastard, I thought –
But damn, he was a good kisser.
I gave in and kissed him back.
Finally, he stood me upright and set me back on my feet.
“You planned that,” I said in an accusatory voice.
He laughed mischievously, then kissed me again.
Then he stepped back. “I want to see you again tomorrow night. Are you free?”
Oh no – you don’t get off the hook THAT easily, Mister.
“You know, I should figure out some clever way to manipulate you like you just did to me.”
He grinned and pulled me against him –
And I felt his cock for the first time.
Oh my GOD.
He was hard as steel beneath his pants…
And much bigger than I was used to.
I cupped his shaft through his pants to feel his girth and length…
And wanted him inside me more than ever.
“Don’t you want to do something about this?” I cooed –
But he shocked me by pulling my hand away. “Tomorrow. Are you free?”
This guy!
I keep throwing myself at him, and THIS is what he does?
“No, I have to work,” I said crossly.
“Take the night off.”
He had that mischievous look whenever he was about to say something three times…
Which, despite my annoyance with him, I quite liked.
“No,” I said, barely able to keep a straight face.
“Take the night off.”
I summoned my inner Teenage Brat. “No!”
He suddenly grabbed my ass and pulled me against him hard –
And I felt his cock again.
“Take the night off,” he said, using the Voice.
Between the look in his eye, his commanding tone, and what he had in his pants, I was left a little breathless.
We exchanged a few more words about him coming over the next night, and then I saw him out.
One last kiss and he was gone.
As I leaned against my closed apartment door, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I realized something:
Though Lau had told me to do whatever Roberto wanted, I had never once thought about the old man and his orders.
Everything that had happened tonight had been amazing…
And I’d done it completely of my own free will.
I couldn’t wait to see Roberto again.
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