Mafia Kings: Roberto: Dark Mafia Romance Series #5

Chapter 79

Over the next several days, I fell even harder for him.

Not only was Roberto incredibly handsome…

Not only could he fuck like a god…

But he had a real warmth and kindness to him.

Warmth and kindness had been in short supply from most of the men in my past.

And yet, despite Roberto’s carefully controlled exterior, there was an undercurrent of danger to him.

I couldn’t put my finger on it…

And it didn’t come out often…

But it was always there, lurking in the shadows.

The most obvious times were when he used the Voice.

That dominant, dark, commanding tone…

It both thrilled me and frightened me a little.

But there was a part of me that liked being scared.

There was a part of me that liked being helpless…

A part of me that liked being totally and completely at his mercy.

It was almost exactly the feeling I got when I was tied up…

That sensual, sexual feeling of surrender.

I could only have it with someone I trusted…

And yet…

Despite trusting Roberto, I was a little afraid of him, too.

A little worried he was unpredictable…

A little nervous that he would do something out of the blue.

And yet… I felt completely safe, as well.

I don’t know how to explain it.

It was a contradiction in terms – a delicious tension that kept me guessing.

Unpredictability and stability…

Danger and safety…

Surrender and control…

It all combined into one overwhelming urge to have him fuck my brains out, even if it frightened me a little.

Both things – him fucking my brains out, and me being frightened a little – happened regularly.

During a date I took him on to the top of Victoria’s Peak…

On various outings around the city…

Every night in my bedroom…

And, most dramatically, at the opera.

One evening, I took Roberto to Xiqu Centre – one of the city’s most distinctive buildings, with an exterior of curved steel rods forming a flowing metal curtain.

It was also the home of Opera Hong Kong. The company put on many Western works but specialized in traditional Chinese opera. Though he wouldn’t be able to understand a word, I thought Roberto might find the ornate costumes beautiful and intriguing.

I drove us there in the Bentley at seven in the evening. I was wearing a sexy black Cheongsam with my hair pinned up; he was wearing one of his suits, as always.

Just before we reached the valet, though, he pointed to the side of the road. “Pull over for a second.”

“Why? We’re almost – ”

“Pull over,” the Voice commanded.

I hadn’t been expecting that…

But I immediately pulled over to the curb.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Take off your panties.”

I stared at him. “…what?”

“Take off your panties.”

“I’m not going to – ”

“Take off your panties.”

A shiver went up and down my spine…

And I felt myself getting turned on.

I dutifully did as he said.

The slit in my dress made access easy enough, though I had to brace my feet on the floor and lift my ass off the seat to do it.

Once I’d gotten them off, I dangled my panties from one finger. “Well?”

He took them with a slight smile and a glint in his eye…

And stuffed them in his jacket like a pocket square.

The black lace poked just above the edge of his pocket.

I stared at him in disbelief. “Are you seriously going to take them in there like that?”noveldrama

“Yes, I am.”

I had to admit, I was a little turned on – but I just shook my head and drove to the valet stand where we dropped off the Bentley.

As he walked around the car to take my arm, Roberto touched his fingers to his new lace pocket square.

I got even more turned knowing what he was doing…

And that no one else around us even suspected.

Then, when the lights in the theater went down, he pulled out my panties and began rubbing them between his fingers.

It would have scandalized everyone around us if they knew what he was doing –

And I loved it.

As colorful characters in medieval robes and white theatrical makeup paraded across the stage, Roberto touched my bare leg through the slit in my dress and gently caressed the inside of my thigh.

I was afraid he would go further –

And yet, I desperately wanted him to.

He kept teasing me…

Softly brushing his fingers against my skin…

But he wouldn’t do anything more.

By the time intermission rolled around, I was dripping wet.

As soon as the lights came up, he withdrew his hand.

I whispered, “What the hell are you – ”

“Time for champagne,” he announced blithely as he pulled me up by the hand.

I felt horribly self-conscious as we walked out amidst a thousand other men and women in tuxedos and beautiful dresses.

I was fairly sure I was the only one who could feel my own wetness between my thighs with every step.

We went into the lobby, with its blinding white main floor and shadowy mezzanine beneath an ornate ceiling.

Roberto bought two glasses of champagne from the bar. We retired to a spot far from the other theatergoers, who stood around chatting about real estate and their children’s private schools.

“What was that all about?” I asked accusingly.

“What?” he asked with faux innocence.

“You know very well what I’m talking about.”

“Just having a little fun,” he said with a devilish smile.

“Well, we’re not doing anything here.”

He raised one eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”

Oh shit.

I quickly realized my mistake.

Telling him no was the quickest way to make him want to do it.

I tried to recover. “I’m just not comfortable with that.”

“With what?”

“…sex in public places,” I whispered, unsure how else to categorize it.

“I’m sure I can make you comfortable with it.”

“Ha – no,” I said humorlessly.

“In fact, I think I could have you begging me to take you.”

“Begging,” I repeated in amused disbelief.


“Is that a fact.”

“It is.”

His self-assuredness was hilarious.

Taking him down a peg or two or would be fun.

“Okay,” I said with a smirk. “Take your best shot, Casanova.”

Roberto smiled like Challenge accepted…

Leaned over…

Brushed his lips against my ear…

And whispered in the Voice, “Come for me.”

I do not know what the fuck happened –

Or how he did it –

But I suddenly came.

A literal fucking orgasm, right there in the Hong Kong Opera building –

And he hadn’t even touched me.

It wasn’t an overwhelming, mind-blowing climax like what I was used to when we had sex –

But it was definitely an orgasm.

Pleasure fluttered in my pussy, more powerful than most men had been able to give me with their dicks or tongues.

I was not ready for it.

“Oh FUCK,” I gasped as I doubled over, spilling half the champagne out of my glass.

Roberto grabbed my arm like he was trying to steady me –

But he growled in my year again, “COME for me.”

Another spasm of pleasure radiated out from between my thighs.

“Oh God!” I cried aloud, barely aware of the disapproving looks from some grey-haired operagoers 20 feet away.

I could not believe what was going on.

This motherfucker’s making me come just by TALKING to me!

He put his lips to my ear again –

“Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,” I begged. “PLEASE stop.”

He stood there grinning triumphantly.

“How the fuck did you do that?!” I whispered in disbelief.

“Pavlovian response. You know the story of Pavlov’s dogs?”

I did.

A Russian doctor in the 1800s rang a bell whenever he fed his dogs.

Eventually, he could make the dogs salivate just by ringing the bell because they associated the sound with food.

I frowned. “Yes, but how did you – ”

And then I realized exactly how he’d done it.

Every time we’d fucked, he’d made me hold back my orgasm until he spoke the command with the Voice:

Come for me.

We hadn’t done it the times we’d made love…

But every other time – every time he’d teased me and tortured me and fucked my brains out – he’d growled in the Voice, Come for me…

And I had.

Every single time.

My body had learned to associate having an orgasm with him ordering me to come…

Especially in that tone of voice.

It terrified me that he had that level of control over me – that he could make me do something involuntarily I couldn’t even do to myself –

And yet, it also turned me on in a way I couldn’t even begin to explain.

It was surrender…

Total and complete…

To the sound of his voice.

He leaned over again –

“No, please, no, not here,” I whimpered.

This time, he didn’t use the Voice…

But he whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you.”

I closed my eyes and shivered.

I wanted to fuck him…

But not here.

“We have to go somewhere else,” I whispered.

“Alright,” he purred.

He took my hand and guided me to a set of stairs that led up to the mezzanine.

As we walked, every step turned me on even more.

The orgasms I’d experienced had been fleeting and minor compared to what I was used to –

And I wanted more.

It was like tasting a drop of juice from the most delicious strawberry imaginable…

And then having it pulled away before you could take a bite.

I wanted the whole goddamn thing in my mouth.

I wanted him to make me lose my mind.

It was then that I realized he’d been right:

Roberto had made me want to fuck him in public.

Or… relatively in public, anyway.

We found a curving hallway that was out of sight of anyone walking by on the mezzanine. A brushed-metal hand railing stretched the length of the corridor, and a locked door at the end suggested it led to some sort of employees’ area.

The hallway was dark and shadowy with recessed lighting…

Perfect for doing what we shouldn’t do…

But that I wanted to do so badly.

We could hear the noises of people down below in the lobby –

And then a chime sounded, indicating that intermission was over.

We heard the murmur of voices as people began to leave the lobby to retake their seats.

I turned to Roberto…

He smiled at me…

And we began to kiss passionately.

I fumbled with his fly –

And within seconds, his erect cock was jutting out of his pants.

“Take me in your mouth,” he growled.

I immediately bent over and enveloped him.

He was thick…

His skin was scorching hot on my lips…

And I could taste his salty precum on my tongue.

I fondled his balls as I slowly moved my head up and down, relishing the sensual feel of his satin-soft skin over his rock-hard shaft…

But he didn’t let me keep sucking him for long.

He grabbed my shoulders and forced me back up to standing.

My lips left his cock with a soft, wet pop.

“Hold out your hands like you’re praying,” he ordered.

Confused, I did as he said.

Then he took my lace panties out of his jacket pocket –

And wrapped them around my wrists, using the elastic to bind me tightly.


I’d been turned on before he did that…

But it was nothing like the excitement I felt now.

He spun me roughly around –

Bent me over so I had to grab the metal hand railing along the wall –

And gently pulled aside my dress so that my bare ass was exposed.

Then he slid inside me.

My pussy was soaked – and his cock was already wet from my mouth – so he filled me up with one long, continuous stroke.

I stifled a groan and grabbed onto the metal railing for dear life.

He moved slowly at first, just sliding in and out…

But he began to speed up…

Until every thrust slammed deep inside me…

And his pants smacked my bare ass, the fabric muffling the sound.

He was so deep…

And so thick…

And he was fucking me so hard…

I tried to keep from making any sounds, but moans kept escaping my lips.

I’d never fantasized about anything like this before –

But the combination of my hands being bound…

And the danger of being caught…

And the sheer pleasure as he fucked me…

It was hotter than I could have ever imagined.

I kept climbing higher and higher, but I stopped myself from climaxing – partly out of habit, but also because I didn’t want anyone to hear me.

Roberto didn’t share the same inhibitions.

“We’re going to have to make this quick,” he growled. “Are you ready?”

My eyes widened as I realized what he intended.

“No – wait – ”

“COME for me.”

The growl of the Voice filled my ears –

And I had no choice but to come.

I gritted my teeth and clamped my jaws tight, but I only halfway stifled the scream of ecstasy that rose up from deep inside me.

My entire body trembled and my legs shook as wave after orgasmic wave rocked me to the core.

Then I felt Roberto come –

His cock exploding and shooting his hot cum inside me –

And I came even harder.

When I finally stopped 30 seconds later, I could barely stand, my legs were shaking so much.

I felt him slide out of me, and my dress slid back into place against my bare ass.

There were a few seconds during which I figured he was wrangling his stiff cock back inside his pants.

I heard the zzzzzip of his fly –

And then his hands were untying my thong from around my wrists.

He helped me stand up, and his strong arm supported me.

He slipped my underwear back into his jacket pocket –

Winked at me mischievously –

And helped me walk shakily down the hallway.

A burst of terror hit me as a young woman in an usher’s uniform saw us on the mezzanine.

“Are you alright?!” she asked in English.

“Just a little too much to drink,” Roberto said breezily as he helped me towards the stairs.

I smiled at her apologetically and leaned even more heavily on Roberto’s arm as we descended the stairs to the lobby.

“I don’t really feel like any more opera – do you?” he asked.

I could feel his cum slowly dribbling down the inside of my thigh…

And all I wanted was for him to fill me up with more.

“No,” I said. “I want you to take me home and fuck my brains out.”

He grinned. “That I will happily do.”

He got the keys from the valet…

Helped me into the passenger seat…

And then drove us home to the Summit.

And then, as promised, he fucked my brains out –

Several times.

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