Maid for the Mafia

I Hate You


Swimming with Simone was a blast. I had asked Mickey before their 'Private Meeting', to instruct the kitchen staff to bring us snacks and boos. They did not disappoint. However, I could see the little glares of anger they tossed Simone's way. It was as if they abhorred serving one of their own. *God those maids were something else.*noveldrama

"How does it feel to be *served* for once?" I asked her when we were done swimming and sunbathing on the deck.

"Great," she sighed, lathering her petite body with sun tan lotion before she lay back down.

I had given her the smaller swimsuits that were in my closet. She had a tiny frame. Cute and fit. She filled out the top of the bikini perfectly. Personally, I wasn't into tan lines, so after a quick look around to make sure we were still alone, I untied my swimsuit and lay naked under the sun.

"I wish I had your body," Simone said suddenly. "I hate my tiny little titties. I will never have the confidence that you have."

I burst out laughing, then shook my head at her. "Are you kidding me? You're gorgeous! Perfectly shaped. I'd die to be as tiny as you."

"Nice try," Simone quipped, tossing her long dark hair over one shoulder. "I see the way the boss looks at you. And Mister Scavo. Damien too. They are *in love.*"

I rolled my eyes. "You're kidding, right? Alex? The only thing that Alex loves is himself and his power."

She shook her head, sitting up. "Trust me, girl. I have been working here for two years and in that time, I have seen many different females come and go. Including Miss Stella, although God knows what became of her."

*She's dead.* "She has been gone a while, hasn't she?" I said like a phony ass fucking hypocrite. "Maybe she was fired. I know she did something that pissed Alex off terribly. He wasn't going to get over it." She met my eyes, her face going dark with understanding. "I see."

I offered her a sad smile then nodded. "I think that you do." *Of course the maids have to know that their boss is a killer. I don't know what I was thinking.*

"God, she was such a bitch," Simone said with a chuckle. "You have no idea how many times I asked her for time off to go to my mother when she was sick. She always said no."

I sat up, forgetting for a moment that I was topless. "That's fucked up. But she's better now right?"

Simone's eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them back, forcing a joyless smile onto her face. "She died three months ago. She had cancer."

"Oh!" I hissed. *Fuck. My bad.* "I'm so sorry," I replied as gently as I could. "Did you at least get to go to the funeral?"

She shook her head, no. "My brother had her cremated and held the service for her before he even told me she was dead. He said I didn't have time for her in life, so I didn't need to give her my time in death." "That's bullshit," I snapped, angry on her behalf. "It wasn't your fault."

She shrugged. "I know. But after a while, trying to explain gets tiresome, so I just left things as they were. Honestly, I regret never going above Stella and asking Mister DeMarco myself. I always thought of him as so cold and cruel. Stella promised that he'd fire me if I ever so much as approached him with one of my requests. That's why I was so sure he would say no, that I couldn't swim with you. But thanks to you, I know a different side of him now and I feel like he would have let me go." She sighed, "I hate that I never asked him and I hate that bitch Stella. May she rot in hell."

As we continued to tan, my mind wandered toward thoughts of Ruby. Alex promised he was going to find out more about what happened. He swore he would find out where she was, but I've seen no evidence that he's been trying. Not that I would know what to look for.

When I told Mickey that I felt like she was still alive, his eyes filled with something like pity for me, but he nodded and said he'd look into it. However, I could see that he was lying. He thought she was dead and although he was sympathetic, I could tell he was trying to gage whether or not he should tell me so. *So much for his giving me anything I ask for.*

Damien would be my next target. I had yet to speak with him about Ruby, but I planned to soon. He's the one Ruby called and asked to watch over me and if *he* doesn't listen then I'll threaten to search for her myself.

My phone chimed with a bank notification and when I picked it up, my eyes bugged out of my head. Twenty-five thousand dollars had just been deposited into my account. *TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND?* It's supposed to be five! A sudden rage began to burn and twist in me as I realized what Alex was trying to do. *He's trying to buy me!? First he sold me and now he thinks he can buy my forgiveness! Or... perhaps this is my tip from that night. Like an extra thanks for being his whore. Well fuck that shit! I am not his whore!*

Tying my swimsuit back on as quickly as I could, I glanced at Simone, who was softly dozing on the lounge. "I'll be right back, okay? I want to grab something from my room."

"Sure," she said sleepily. "This feels wonderful, I'm not going anywhere."

The moment I stepped through the sliding glass doors in my sleek white bikini, the guards in the hall, most of which were new, stood riveted with their eyes combing up and down my body. I had forgotten my robe at the pool, but I didn't care. INot knowing where Alex was and not feeling like racing around this place looking for him, I texted the bastard instead. **Me-**

Where the hell are you? I need a word.


First floor. Go down the hallway past my office, then make a right into the next hall. First set of double doors on the right. *Hmm. No stupid comments, no innuendos... is he ill?*

I raced in the direction of his office, my bare feet slapping on the tile floor as I made a right. *Note to self. It's about time you explore the rest of this massive house.* Because I'd never been down this particular hallway before and I had no idea what was waiting behind those double doors. Taking a deep breath, I pushed inside. Ready to lay into him for turning me into a fucking hooker.

"Alex! What the fuck is with the twenty-" my sentence cut died the moment I stepped inside. I gazed around in awe. This was a home gym. Every piece of equipment you could imagine lined the walls. There was even a rowing machine and a fucking trampoline.

"To what do I owe the sudden pleasure of you speaking to me?" Alex taunted in a strained voice.

Following the sound, I spun to the right to see Alex in the middle of lifting weights. He was on his back, shirtless, and bench pressing God knew how many pounds. It looked like a lot. There were several weights on the bar and each of them read seventy-five pounds. I approached him slowly, my core clenching tighter and tighter the closer I got.

"What the fuck do you mean, by paying me twenty-five thousand dollars? That's not my salary!" I tried not to hear the tremble in my voice when I said it, but it was there. The sight of Alex's deeply tanned chest, bare and hard, rippling with muscles, while he strained and pushed the bar up and down had my pussy weeping in appreciation.

"I know. Yours is five," he said, raising the bar one final time, before setting it on the rack. He continued to lay there a moment, breathing heavily, sweat shining off of his perfect pecs.

"Take it back," I snapped. "I'm not a whore."

He chuckled, closing his eyes. "No. I won't take it back. It's not from me anyway."

I flinched. "What do you mean? You didn't send it? It says it came from you."

"I did send it," he said, sitting up in a huff, before freezing at the sight of me in my bikini. His green eyes darkened with lust as he watched me, his breath shuddering in his chest. "But it's not from me. It's... Ruby's money. You are the only one on her list. So I gave it to you."

My body tensed. "Why the fuck would you give it to me then? Send it to Ruby's account! Or have you given up on her too? Despite that you *promised* to look for her?"

He leapt up, towering over me as he suddenly got in my face. "I said I would find her, didn't I?" he snarled, his face contorting into a cruel sneer. "I'm still looking! It's not that simple! Until I have news on what was done with her, I will continue to pay *you* her wages! Is that clear?"

Although I came in here full of anger and ready to attack, the mere suggestion that something *was done* to Ruby, is enough for tears to fill my eyes. "Fine," I hissed shakily as they began to roll down my cheeks.

All the anger in Alex's features washed away instantly and before I knew it, he'd grabbed my face in his hands, to stare down at me. There was a desperate pleading in his eyes and the muscles in his jaw flexed as he shook his head. "I hate you," he said, before he dropped his lips down on mine with a groan.

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