
Pups 7

Chapter 7


I walked into the room, and scanned the whole place, there was no sign of anyone here, Cade. My beta had

informed me that my dad called for my attention, I knew what he wanted to talk about, I had being trying to

avoid the conversation for a long time now, but I guess running times were over

“What’s good Dad?” I asked inmediately if our gaze met each other’s. He gave me a long awkward stare, then shook his head in what I presumed to be piry, then gestured at the couch for me to sit, which I took without any


You’ve been the Alpha for some years now Leo, and you know very well that the pack now depends on you for everything, most especially for protection” He started, and I nodded, shifting uncomfortable in my position

“Though, I can’t say I’m impressed, I still can’t say I’m disappointed. You haven’t lived up to your full potential as I had expected, I know you’re still trying your best which I

acknowledge and commend you for that He continued and I blinked in confusion. Where was this coming

from! Dad never commended my effort, never, no matter what I did. It was never enough, so hearing his words

made my heart skip a bit

“Really! You really acknowledge my effort?”

“Of course not you fool, can’t you tell that i’m being sarcastic? Why are you like this? You’re nothing like me, you don’t have the potentials of an Alpha, the potential of a true and strong leader” he bursted, the pitch of his voice slowly rising

“You know, sometimes I wonder if you’re actually my son, I wonder if Elizabeth; bless her soul, was infidel to me He continued and I just stood there, head bent

downwards. I fingers had formed a fist and they were so tight that my knuckles were turning white

“Dad I called. heaving a deep sigh to suppress the anger that had just suddenly come out of nowhere, and was threatening to burst out of me. I knew getting angry at Dad was a bad idea, so I tried very hard to control my emotion. My jaws were working and I closed my eyes then opened them again- I am, and have been trying my best for this pack, since the day I was titled Alpha. I put my life on the line Every Time for everyone in this pack since the past six years. What haven’t i done? What more is there to do?” I continued in a yell of frustration. I had done my best, done all I could in other to gain his acknowledgement, to gain his approval, to be the definition of an ideal son, but all I got in return were comparisons, criticism, and all

Your best is not enough Lee, you have to try harder, Fang Clan has to be the m most powerful pack in this region

and beyond. We need to conquer the others, we need to be at the top, we need to be the biggest pack of all

packs. We need to be, The Alpha Pack” He yelled back, matching my tone

Why do we need to declare war when we’re all living in peace? Don’t you think that is unprovoked and uncalled for?” I asked with a raised brow

“Because we’re conquerors, that’s why. Throughout my life I struggled to bring this pack to where it is now, from a nonentity to the fifth strongest and largest, it is your turn now son, it is your turn to make it the number one, the best. And this is the moment, the right time to strike, when they least expect it. They all think we want to live with them in peace but…”

“They don’t “Think‘ we want to live in peace with them, because we are living in peace with them already and there are no plans to disrupt this peaceful coexistence” I eut in, a thing I had never dared to do in my entire years of existence. His eyes widened in shock, as his brain registered what just happened. I nodded

“That’s right Dad, your reign is over, it is my turn now, so let me do it in peace. I had let you have full control over me all my life. For the past six years, I let you continue to rule this pack through me. That ends now dad, it ends today. You are a member of my pack, and I am your Alpha, you will do as I say and will only enjoy the privileges of being my father, and the former Alpha” 1 declared, and walked out of the room without waiting to see his reaction

“What happened in there?” Cade asked, following from behind as I walked out of the penthouse

“It’s nothing, just the usual, my dad bossing me around” I answered, not stopping

“I don’t think this was the usual, I heard yellings” He pushed further

“He always yells Cade, that isn’t something new” Came my short response


“There were two voices yelling Leo” I pulled to a stop and faced him. We almost bumped into each other as he wasn’t expecting it

“You were eavesdropping, and i’m pretty sure you heard everything, so why the fuck are you pestering me?” I yelled. I was so angered by what had just transpired between my Dad and I. He was making in worse noveldrama

“Okay, okay–he said, hands a little above his shoulder, showing surrenderness–there’s no need for the transfer of aggression he continued and turned around and kept moving

We walked a pretty long distance in silence

“So, where are you going?” Cade asked, breaking the silence that I was beginning to enjoy. I didn’t respond

“We’ve been walking for a while now and have covered a pretty interesting distance. Will you at least tell me where we’re going?” He asked again

“I didn’t ask you to come with me Cade, you made that decision on your own” He didn’t like that answer, but decided not to voice it out

After about another couple hours of walking, we entered into a small coffee shop in the far end of the city

“Wouldn’t have hurt you to take your car at least”

“I didn’t want to. I needed to clear my head, besides you’re a beta, covering that distance should be a piece of cake” I answered playfully

We sat there, taking coffee and discussing issues of the pack, then A very sweet scent caught my nostrils. I began shifting, 151 I turned around and my eyes landed on the most beautiful woman I had ever s…hold on, was that


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