Chapter 36
Chapter 36
Chris walked to the VP area to wait for his date. Wait, date? It wasn't a date but a way to apologize to
his wife for ever forgetting that her teenage friend was coming back in the country but in a way, he
wished that she would call in heal and it will be just him and Maya.
Of course, he wanted to meet Kyle since his wife had talked so much of her. Of how they became best
friends and why she loved Kyle so much. That day they had slept past midnight talking only about her
She was on the couch lying there and he was on his bed watching her speak fondly of Kyle and at that
time, he was think of him and Wesley wondering if that's how he talked about him. That day would
forever remain in his mind and he was happy for the memory. The memory with Maya and him. And he
was going to make so many of them from that day forward.
"Sir, what do I get you?" The waitress cut through his thoughts. The music was playing so loudly. And
people swayed their bodies on the dance floor.
Chris looked at his waitress for the night and smiled at her. Nothing was going to ruin his night today
and most a waitress. Call him arrogant or whatever you may like but tonight was his night.
"Actually, nothing." He glanced at his wrist watch again, "I'm waiting for someone and they'll be here in
about two minutes."
He wasn't sure but that was the only minutes remaining for them to be there. He had texted Maya the
name of the club three hours ago and switched off his phone. Why, because he didn't want to hear her
complain or say she was coming. In fact, that's what scared him the most. But he still had two minutes
before he allowed panic attack to take control of him.
"Okay Sir." The waitress said still standing there. "Please excuse me."
Chris let his eyes room at the entrance. They had to walk in any second from then. He sat at the first
floor of the club and he could see we from the end of the corner that he was sitting from.
Just then, his eyes caught two women that walked inside the club. One wore a mid thigh pink dress
that shouted look at me I'm hot and her hair was in a bun not hiding the shoulders that were free from
the material but that wasn't his interest but the woman next to her.
The one who walked like she had never been in a club all her life. She looked scare to walk in those
black heels that shouted I'm sexy and you can't do anything about it. As for her long legs, god, even
looking at them turned him on way too much than it was necessary.
And now he was looking at her clothing. Of course, it was the dress that he had chosen for her early
this morning and now he knew why he never saw her in it despite it being beautiful. It was a black
dress that reached almost her knees. Her cleavage hung out just perfectly as he had hoped they
would. Their eyes met and his breath was out. He had forgotten how to breath at the moment. He
couldn't remember how to do it.
Maya wore makeup something she never did. He had never seen her in a makeup that he had gotten
used to seeing her as natural as she was. He smiled, why? Because that was the only thing that he
could think off of that moment.
"You made it," Chris said once they walked to him.
"Of course we did." That was the pinky dressed lady whom he guessed was Kyle. "I can never say no
for a good club but your wife here, she was about to bail out. Good thing I was there."
Chris chuckled. "And thank heavens for you being there. I'm Chris by the way. Chris Rollins and you
must be Kyle..."
"Kyle Edgar and it's really an honour to meet the guy who made my best friend have a crush on him
since she was a teenager, in person."
"Kyle, don't you think your giving way too much info?" Maya asked hitting her friend on the ribs.
"Please, I think I want to hear all about that." Chris said pointing for them seats to sit on. "But we've to
order first."
"Are we drinking?" Kyle asked earning another glance from her friend.
Chris laughed before saying yes. At this moment, he already knew which among them was the parent
and the over grown baby. That's how his relationship with Wesley was, he was the kid while Chris was
the parent. Thinking of Wesley, he wished he was there to meet Kyle. They would make a good couple
but he was somewhere being laid by a lady he met last week.
The waitress walked to them and took their orders. Chris watched Maya as they eat silently making
small talks here and there. Kyle was just as Maya had described her. The one who never stopped
talking when she began to do it. She was funny too and he couldn't help but laugh at her small stupid
jokes. Maya joined them at times and others, she rolled her eyes and concentrated on her meal.
"... those were us in highschool. And ooh, guess what Maya first heard you on the radio?"
Chris looked at his wife who almost got choked from swallowing her last piece of stake before drinking
all the water in her glass.
"He has a beautiful voice." His gaze were locked with hers while saying those words.
Kyle laughed, "no silly. She said and I quote 'OMG! I'm in love Kyle. I'm in love."
If one could catch fire from being red, then they would be putting off the fire from Maya's face. Her
green eyes were almost going to pop out of their sockets as she looked at her from then back to Chris
Chris just smiled more than he himself thought it was possible. He couldn't believe it and he wouldn't
have if it wasn't Kyle telling him that at that moment.
"Wow!" He exclaimed. "I never knew you're in love with me wifey."
"Please don't flirt yourself, Mr." Maya said taking another glass of water which happened to be his.
Kyle laughed at them. "I wish you could have seen how her old room looked like. Your pictures are
around her walls and her sheets..."
"Kyle, didn't you want to dance because I do."
"But we're not done talking with him." Kyle said looking at Chris. "Okay fine, I won't talk about your
crush that lasted more than three months and you know psychology say that..."
"If you crush for someone more than three months it's no longer a crush but love. Sorry to burst your
bubble but I'm not in love with him."
Chris didn't know why but in a way it hurt. It hurt him to know that she didn't feel anything for him. Not
even in the slightest way possible and it was all his fault. His fault for blaming her for everything that
happened between them and at that moment, he couldn't help but wonder what if.
But according to his mother, what ifs were for fools. He had thrown a good chance change but not
again. He was going to make her fall in love with him before the time he had with her expired. And that
had to begin from then.
"So Kyle," changing the subject was the best way to go about it. "What are you planning to do that now
you've no job."
"She won't tell." Maya said cutting her friend short."I tried that already and she won't spill the beans."
"That's because I wasn't sure till now."
"What do you mean?"
It was Maya who asked.
"All my life I've known how to work for people. And to be honest, it just sucks. It sucks to get orders
from someone or someone uses you the way they feel like they want to. Take for example the job that I
was doing, I had to travel from Continent to Continent, countries to counties and all for what? To benefit
someone who doesn't appreciate you but to just give you more responsibility in the name of your the
"I missed your wedding. My best friend when we had promised each other to always be there for each
other in those special occasion. I know it wasn't special to both of you but I was supposed to be there.
To support you as I am supposed to, Maya. And when this idiot was abusing you. Sorry but I'm the type
that calls a spread a spread and not a small spoon, I wasn't there. I should've been there but I wasn't
and I'm not ready to miss anything else in your life bestie. noveldrama
"I want to be there for you. I want to be the first to know when you fall in love. I want to know when
you're not happy and I'll be there to comfort you. I'll leave even in the middle of sex just for you. I know
it's cliche but I'll do that for you, Maya. Because at the end of the day, we only got each other.
"So, that's why I decided to be a party organizer. I'm going to start my own organization with the money
that I've said and the first party that I'm going to organize is going to be your birthday since its next
"What?" That was Maya of course.
"You know I'm a party person that's why I have decided that right now."
"But Kyle, you've..."
"We could enter into a partnership you know." Chris said cutting Maya. "I can fund you and you can
take care to the rest. Since I'm a design and most people who want me to design their clothes ask if I
know a good party organizer and I can always send them to you."
"Really?" Kyle asked excited. "You could do that for me?"
"Of course, yes. You just need to find an office and let's see with Maya's birthday first. I mean how
good you can be."
"I don't celebrate my birthday."
"Please don't be a killer joy and of course, we'll try with Maya's birthday. What's the catch for you?
Since I'm not working for anyone anymore, Chris."
"We're business people and I won't do something that I won't benefit from." Chris leaned back on his
seat. The music still played loudly but they had gotten used to it that it was almost not there.
"I won't always be the one sending people to you. You'll find your own clients and others will come to
you. So, you'll sent them to me for their clothes. I'll dress them myself. And that will only happen when
you do a good job. The best way to advertise your business is through word of mouth and that can only
happen when you, you do a well done job."
"So we need to draw a contract?"
"Yeah, I never enter a business without one." He looked at Maya who was watching the both of them.
"My lawyers will take care of that themselves. As for now, let's have fun."
It wasn't his intention to talk about business during their fun day. He saw how Maya was looking at
them and he knew she was bored. So, he called the waiter and asked for Captain Morgan. It was
strong buy sweet too. When the waiter returned with two bottles, Maya asked for cocktail and Chris
knew she was avoiding to be drunk.
What if he got himself drunk and this time for good? Would Maya handle the drunk him? He shook his
head and poured himself a drink. Maya's cocktail returned in less than a minute and they all raised their
glass to toast as Kyle asked.
They did for good partnership, good health and a happy one at that. Just two sips of his drink and his
phone began to ring. Talk of perfect timing. He had switched it on when he saw Maya and Kyle walk in.
He picked it up and looked at the screen only to see a name that he didn't expect to call. He groaned
an annoying one and it didn't miss Maya.
"Excuse me ladies." He said getting up. "I've to pick this one."
He got on his feet and walked to the balcony looking at the people who were dancing below it. Chris
answered the call only to be insulted by Kimberly on the other side. She was complaining of him not
going to check her up from the day Maya had slapped her and that was a week ago.
She even hadn't gone to work and she was complaining. He should be the one doing that but he didn't.
He didn't even write a warning letter to her as Wesley had demanded. Yes, he had demanded from him
to write a warning letter to her and he had refused.
Why? He himself had no idea. Once she was done with her blabbing, he cut off the call only to turn
around to find Maya looking at him. She smiled at him and he really tried to smile back at her. She
looked back at her friend who was still talking and he, he still stood at the balcony. Tomorrow, he was
going to write that letter to Kimberly. He was going to be the employer that he was and she, she was
going to be the employee she was supposed to be.
Just then, he saw Maya laughing. Yes, Maya was laughing and this was the second time he saw that.
The first, was when he caught her laughing at his childhood in the kitchen and if he was true to himself
then, he had loved that laughter but he was too full of himself to admit that.
But he wasn't going to let this moment pass without capturing it and what was the best way to do that?
Chris unlocked his phone and went to the cameras. He took her photo as she threw her head in the
back laughing harder than he thought it was possible. The photo of her was her holding her tummy as if
it hurt from the laughter. The last picture of her she was looking his way laughing and her hand was
being used as a fun to fun herself.
Chris slide his phone in the jeans pocket and walked back to the table. Maya had stopped laughing and
she was looking at Chris as well as Kyle.
"Trouble in paradise?"
If there was one thing he had learned about Kyle so far, it's that she was straight forward person. He
loved that about her and he didn't know why but he felt like she was the best thing that would happen
to Wesley. Maybe they could make such a great couple one day. For now, he had to introduce them
and see how it goes.
Chris watched Maya's face change from happy mood to gloomy.
"I can't call it paradise but yes." He wasn't going to lie. And it was true that it was no longer paradise
between him and Kimberly. "She has changed."
Did I just say that?
"Maybe you're the one who has changed. Have you tried to think it that way?"
No, he hadn't thought of that. Maybe he was the one who had changed. Because Kimberly was being
Kimberly and he, he found everything about her irritating him more each day. He took a sip of his drink
and looked at the eyes that were boring holes on his body.
"Maybe." That's what he could say at the moment. He downed the remaining drink and added another
glass for himself.
"Please don't get yourself drunk."
"I've no intention of doing that, kitten."
Kyle laughed at them and she was about to say something but stopped when another music start to
play. She did scream, like really scream. It was Bruno Mars and Cardi B Please Me playing and she
was already on her heals.
"I love that song you two better get your butt up. Maya, it's time to please your husband."
"Yeah, it's time to tease me, baby."
"And she wants to hear you say pleeeeeease."
Chris laughed at how they're using the lyrics of the song to communicate. Kyle pulled them down to the
dance floor where they pushed bodies just to get space. Once on the dance floor, Kyle pushed Maya to
Chris and she began to dance.
The song began again and Maya was about to walk away when Chris pulled her back to him. Her hips
were against him and he was waiting for her to sway her hips on him. She didn't. Instead she pulled
away again and Chris did what he thought was the best at the moment. To sing Bruno Mars lyrics. He
even danced like him and everyone stopped to look at them.
As for Kyle, he didn't know how but she found some girlfriends who danced Cardi B side pushing Maya
to to Chris. Everyone chaired for them as Chris got partners to dance with him. Maya was about to walk
again when she saw a slim body push her body against Chris'. Chris danced with her and just then, the
poor girl was pushed away from him. Maya stood before him as she sang the part where Cardi says let
me hear you say and Chris answered please. And Maya danced with him.
Just then, Maya turned to look at Chris and the looked their gaze together. He wanted to kiss her. So
badly and he leaned in to take her lips but it never happened. That's the time the the song came to an
end everyone applauded them. Maya pulled away looking at the phones that were focused on them.
"That was," Kyle said walking to them, "amazing."
"I need a drink."
Maya walked away from them to get herself another cocktail from the bar.
"She likes."
Chris looked at Kyle and laughed at her words.
"No, she doesn't. She likes someone else."
"And how do you know that?"
"Cause her face lights up when you mention his name." He watched Maya take a seat at one of the
stools. "She'll never have that reaction of me when she talks about me."
"Wins don't quit and quieter are not winner." Kyle said. "You, Mr. you've a chance."
"Do you think so?"
"No." Kyle moved away from him. "I know so." She turned to walk away but turned half way to shout
over the music. "Don't let go without putting a fight."
And he wasn't going to do that. At least not anytime soon.
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