Chapter 9: Weird vibes
Chapter 9: Weird vibes
It had been a while since Cain had stormed off, leaving me here with my thoughts. Then, finally, I heard
footsteps approaching my room. I sat up in my bed, anticipating who it was when the door handle
jiggled and in walked Calyx.
He had a cheeky smile plastered across his face. “What the hell did you do?”
“Whatever do you mean, Calyx?” I smiled and batted my lashes, pretending to be innocent.
He raised a brow. “You have seriously pissed him off about something; he came stomping out of here in
a huff. He ordered me to guard you and then went into his office. He slammed the door so hard, the
wood cracked.”
I snorted. “I didn’t do a thing; maybe your brother just has something stuck up his ass.” The man just
constantly came off as being uptight anyways.
Calyx closed his eyes and shook his head at me. “Right. Anyways, I’m your new tail.” He burst out
My smile died, and I gave him a deadpan stare “No, just no Calyx, bad pun.” I shook my head at his
horrible attempt to make a joke.
“Come on, it was good, and you know it,” He said, proud of himself.
“No, it was awful, and I don’t need a bodyguard; I can take care of myself.” I was getting sick and tired
of being treated like a china doll or treated like a newly shifted pack member.
Calyx pursed his lips together. “Ahh, now I see why he was so pissed off. But, unfortunately, I’ve been
given orders, and I have to follow those orders until instructed otherwise. So, for the time being, you
are stuck with me.” He grinned widely.
I groaned. “Your lovely brother and I will be discussing that once I get out of here. By the way, when
can I get the hell out of here.” I asked him, hoping he would know.
He shook his head. “I’m not sure; I’ll go speak with the nurse.”
“Thank you,” I said genuinely before Calyx left the room.
I looked around the room for my clothes; I didn’t want to be in here much longer. But my clothes were
nowhere to be seen, and I was wearing an ugly ass nightgown. Wait a minute! Who the fuck changed
me? And why? I had only hit my head, right? The thought of someone changing me without my consent
caused alarm to rise within me, especially when I didn’t know who had done it.
I got up from the bed and walked over to the cabinet to check for my clothes, but it was filled with
medical supplies, blankets and more gowns. Next, I looked out the window, which didn’t have a great
view, not like the view in Cain’s room. But all I could see from here was a large barn and a small portion
of the gate.
I paced around the room, waiting for Calyx to return, who was taking his sweet ass time. What felt like
an eternity later, Calyx had finally returned, with the nurse at his side. She was a bit older than me but
radiated with beauty and youth. She was about my height, with strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes and
high cheekbones. However, she seemed to be a bit timid.
I sighed with relief. “It’s about time; I thought you got lost,” I said dramatically.
Calyx raised an eyebrow. “I was gone for like 5 minutes, there miss impatient.” He gestured towards
the woman next to him. “This is nurse Rose, and she wants to inspect you before she releases you.”
I looked at the woman with a pleading stare as I was anxious to get out. “Ok, let’s get this over with; the
sooner I get out of here, the better and where are my clothes?”
Rose cleared her throat. “Alpha Cain had removed your clothing, as you had some blood on it, he
brought you some clean clothes for you to change into.” She handed me the pile of clean clothing she
held in her hands.
My eyes widened with horror at the thought of Cain removing my clothing and seeing me naked
“Excuse me? He changed me?”
Her eyes were shifty, almost refusing to look at me. “Yes, Luna.” She finally answered hesitantly and
I sucked in a sharp breath, remembering it wasn’t her fault and that I shouldn’t be hard on her. “Please,
call me Freja and thank you for everything,” I said with a smile. The last thing I wanted was for this
sweet woman to think I am a bitch, even though I am, but still, girls need to stick together.
She smiled sheepishly. “You’re welcome. Please take a seat on the bed, and I will take a look at your
I walked over and sat down on the bed. Rose came to my side and removed the bandage from my
head. She carefully inspected my head before looking into my eyes and asking me a few simple noveldrama
“Well, everything looks great. There is no more bleeding, and the cut is nearly healed. You’ve healed
up quite nicely and very quickly.” She said with a hint of curiosity and admiration.
I scrunched my nose. “Is that a good thing?” I asked, concerned.
Her eyes brightened. “Oh yes, it’s great. I’ve just never seen someone heal so quickly before; you’ve
only been here for a couple of hours if that,” She reassured me.
Shrugging off her words, I asked the question that lingered on my tongue, “So, does that mean I can go
“Yes, you may go, Luna; I mean Freja.” She smiled.
I smiled at her before jumping off the bed and hugging her. I knew this was not appropriate behaviour,
but at this moment, I was beyond ecstatic to be getting out of here.
“Thank you for everything; I truly appreciate it.” She had been very kind to me, and I was grateful for it.
Her face expressed a bit of shock but also appreciation. “Of course, anytime.” She nodded.
Rose then left the room. I grabbed the clothes from the bed and was about to change when I
remembered Calyx was still in the room.
I turned to face him and raised both brows. “Uh, can I help you? I want to get changed in private, there
Mr. Pervert, if you don’t mind.”
Calyx snorted. “Sorry, you’re not my type.” He laughed, a little too loud. Then he left the room, closing
the door behind him.
I looked at the clothes Cain had brought for me, blue jeans, a dark green shirt and converses. Well, his
clothing taste isn’t so bad, I guess. I threw everything on, and once finished, I exited the room where
Calyx was waiting for me.
“Take me to him, please,” I asked.
He tilted his head slightly, and confusion crossed his facial features. “Take you to who?”
“To see Cain. He and I need to have a discussion.” About many things, but the babysitter was the top
priority. Cain needed to get one thing straight, I don’t take orders very easily, and I don’t like to be
treated as a child.
He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced to the floor, avoiding eye contact with me. “Well, as much
as I would love to do that because it would be quite entertaining, Cain is busy right now and honestly, I
don’t even know where he is right now. Plus, you need to get some food first.” He was trying to distract
me, and I had this feeling he was lying and knew exactly where his brother was.
I tilted my head to the side and pursed my lips. “Ok, maybe your right; I am starving. Food first, then we
hunt down that brother of yours.” I said in a firm tone, one way or another, Cain and I needed to talk
about his controlling ways.
He chuckled. “Ok, deal.”
We left the medical wing and began walking the grand hallway. The walls were covered in dark grey
paint, making the artwork that hung from the walls stand out. I was so entranced by everything around
me; that I didn’t notice Calyx had stopped until I collided with his hard chest.
I tumbled backwards and was about to fall on my ass, like the clumsy moron that I am, when Calyx
gripped my arms and steadied me on my feet. We stood there for a brief moment, Calyx embracing me
in his arms, as we stared into each other’s eyes. He seemed almost like he was in a trance, his eyes
dilating slightly. Finally, I cleared my throat, and it was like Calyx snapped out of a trance; he shook his
head and then let me go.
I ran a hand down the back of my head. “Sorry about that,” I said shamefully.
He looked everywhere but at me. “It’s alright. Are you ok?”
I nodded my head. “Oh yes, I am fine. Thank you.” I gave him a small smile. The way he had looked at
me a moment ago made me feel a bit uncomfortable in his presence now.
Calyx gave me a curt nod. “Good, what had you so distracted?” He asked curiously.
“The paintings on the walls. Some of them are very beautiful.” I said honestly; they were colourful and
filled with so much detail; it was like they told a story.
Calyx looked around at the paintings, but one in particular, he seemed to focus on the most “Yes, some
of them are, and some…are dark and ugly.” He said in a cold tone.
“True, but so are some people, and yet, they are still admired and cherished.” I pointed out to him,
hoping he would catch onto who I was talking about.
“Good point. Anyways, shall we continue to the kitchen?”
Just as Calyx asked that question, my stomach grumbled loudly, again, making it evident how hungry I
“Yes, please. This bitch needs some food.” I said while rubbing my belly.
He chuckled and continued through the halls, with me hot on his heels.
We finally reached the kitchen; saying it was large would be the understatement of the year. This
kitchen was four times the size of the one we had back home. The cupboards were painted a light grey
colour, with white tiles for the black splash. There was a double sink, a massive fridge, two ovens,
multiple cooktops and a white marble countertop. As well as an island in the middle, with stools to finish
it off.
Calyx walked over to the fridge and broke me out of my trance. “Well, what would you like to eat?”
I mulled over things for a minute. “Something with meat and veggies.”
Calyx looked in the fridge. “Oh, this should do the trick.” He pulled out a container from the refrigerator.
“This is some left-over beef stir fry that Anne made the other night.”
He handed me the container with the food, and I looked inside. “Omg, this looks delicious.” I think I had
drooled a bit as I stared at the food.
Nodding his head, he took the container back from me and placed it into the microwave to reheat.
Calyx pointed towards a stool next to the island. “Take a seat.”
I sat down, and a moment later, Calyx brought me my food and a glass of water. I didn’t waste any time
and began stuffing my face with the mouthwatering and scalding food.
As I continued to eat, I noticed Calyx sitting there, staring and smiling at me, like a complete fucking
weirdo. “Yes, can I help you?” I asked, a little annoyed that he watched me so intently as I ate.
He chuckled. “Sorry, I’ve just never seen a girl eat a man; it’s fascinating.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Like a man? Fascinating?” I think he has lost his mind.
“Yea, the majority of women I know eat with grace and poise. But, not you, you eat like one of the guys,
and yes, I find it fascinating.” He replied while shrugging his shoulders.
I shook my head. “Ok, weirdo. Whatever you say.”
I finished my food and downed my water. “Ok, I’ve finished eating. Can we go and find your brother
now, please?” I hope he didn’t think I had forgotten.
Calyx's face went still. “I don’t think that’s a good idea; Cain was really pissed with you earlier, and
agitating him further won’t help you.”
I laughed and leaned forward a bit. “Let me make myself clear; I don’t care. Cain and I have things to
discuss.” No matter what he said, I wouldn’t change my mind.
Calyx groaned loudly. “Fine, let’s go.”
We made our way out of the kitchen and down a dark hall. This hallway gave me the creeps; the walls
were painted a crimson red, with creepy paintings of various males lining the walls and dim lighting. We
began to approach a large wooden door with the pack's coat of arms engraved on it.
Calyx knocked, and a familiar voice boomed from the other side of the door. “Fuck off.”
I shoved Calyx out of the way and barged inside the room. Cain was sitting at a massive, antique oak
desk, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I said fuc...oh it’s you. What do you want now?” He appeared
stressed and not happy to see me.
I approached the desk. “Oh, you know, just for you to tell me why you’re having Calyx babysit me? I
told you I didn’t need someone watching over me, and I want to know more about the vampires.” Cain
had a lot to explain to me, and he was going to stop avoiding this conservation.
He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “I do not have to tell you anything or give you a reason for any
decision I make. Now get out!” His tone was laced with authority, but his power did not affect me.
I straightened myself. “No, I’m not leaving until you tell me what I want to know.” I stood my ground and
wasn’t going to give up so easily.
Cain stood from his chair and placed both palms on the desk as he slowly leaned closer to me. “No?
Did you just say no to me? Again?” He said in a low, lethal tone.
“Oh, has no one ever said no to you, the big bad Alpha.” I put my hands in the air, waving them around
in a fake frightened manner.
Before I knew it, Cain circled the desk and caged me between his body and the desk. He gripped my
throat lightly, not hard enough to restrict my breathing but enough to keep me still.
He stood there towering over me and growling, “Why do you keep pushing me? Disobeying me?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Because I follow no one, and I love to push buttons. Especially when the situation
may concern my life.”
Cain scanned my face, staring deep into my eyes and before I could say anything else, he captured my
lips with his, kissing me angrily and passionately. Then, he released his hold on my neck, and his
hands travelled down my waist, gripping my ass tightly, as he lifted me onto the desk, never breaking
the kiss. I became so lost and consumed, I completely forgot everything and melted myself into this
moment with him.
His one hand rested on my hip while the other gripped the back of my neck, and he deepened the kiss.
I moaned into his mouth, causing him to growl in satisfaction from my reaction. Cain began kissing my
neck, slowly moving down; his soft lips hovered over the spot where he would mark me, he rubbed his
nose along the area, ever so gently, and my wolf purred with excitement. Finally, Cain dragged the top
of his canines along the spot, and that was when I realized what was going on; he was going to try and
mark me! Like fuck I was going to let that happen! Cain was probably hoping that it would make me
more compliant if he marked me.
“Cain, stop it,” I shouted as I attempted to shove him away, but he just wrapped me in his arms and
held me tightly to him and started licking the spot.
“Cain, I said fucking stop!” I roared at him as I tried with all my might to free myself.
He stilled and began groaning, “When are you going to come to terms with the fact that we are mates?”
Cain asked quietly, still holding me tightly to his body.
“Never! Because we are not mates, Cain.” I admit I had feelings towards him, feelings and desires that
I couldn’t explain. But mentally, I didn’t want to accept that he was my mate.
“Just because you don’t feel it yet, doesn’t mean we aren’t mates. Remember my love; the males feel
the bond first. The fact that you keep rejecting me like this and pushing me away is destroying the bond
and is hurting me.” His words hit me hard. I wasn’t expecting him to be so open and emotional with me.
But, I could hear it in his tone that he was being honest, and it threw me for a loop.
I didn’t know how to respond. I paused for a beat, drinking in Cain’s words, but I didn’t want him to
know he had gotten to me. “Good, I hope I destroy the bond, and I truly hope I am hurting you because
you deserve to feel a tremendous amount of pain.” I sneered. I was being somewhat honest, I wanted
him to feel the pain I felt from his actions, but I also wasn’t sure if I genuinely wanted to destroy the
Cain pulled himself away from me, didn’t look at me or react in the way that I had expected. Instead, he
returned to his desk. “Get out.” He said in a cold manner.
I hopped down from the desk and made my way towards the door, but stopped before reaching for the
handle, as I was suddenly hit with a wave of strong emotions, sadness, hurt, betrayal and loss. I didn’t
understand why I was feeling these emotions. I looked over my shoulder towards Cain and saw him
sitting there, with his head in his hands, and for a brief moment, I wanted to turn around and run to him
and make him feel better, not really sure why, but I did. Finally, however, I stopped myself and just left
the room.
Calyx was waiting for me just outside the room. “How did it go?” He asked curiously.
“Terrific!” I replied sarcastically.
“That good huh, figured as much.” He shrugged.
“Can you take me to my room, please?” I wanted to be alone right now. All this arguing was draining, I
had so many unanswered questions, and the emotions I was feeling now did not help.
Calyx gave me a sympathetic look. “Of course.” He nodded.
We began walking down the hall; so much was going through my mind at the moment. I didn’t
understand why I felt the need to comfort him, take away his pain and make things right between us.
Even if I am his mate, I don’t want to be mated to a monster like him. Cain has done so much harm to
numerous packs, including mine. I wasn’t sure if I could forgive and forget if I could move past
everything and build a future with him.
We reached the bedroom, and I turned to Calyx. “Thank you, Calyx; you can go now. I am just going to
have a shower and go to bed.”
He pursed his lips. “Ok, well, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know. Have a good night
Freja.” Calyx said with a smile.
I slowly nodded my head while staring at the floor. “Will do, and thanks, you too.”
I closed the door as Calyx departed. I felt overwhelmed by today’s events; my brain was racing with
many thoughts and questions. I didn’t know how to feel about any of this, be honest, or deal with the
situation. I leaned against the door, closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath, attempting to calm
The feelings and reactions I was experiencing with Cain were all linked to a mate bond. I remember my
mother telling me how she felt when she met my father, the spark’s that coursed through her body
when they touched, all the things I was experiencing with Cain. I wasn’t sure how to accept all of this,
my new life and my future. Finally, I took in another deep breath and pushed aside all my racing
thoughts, and decided to get into the shower.
I went to the closet, chose some comfortable pyjamas, and then made my way into the bathroom. This
whole situation is the definition of bullshit, except the bathroom; this was the one thing that made all of
this worth it. I turned on the shower and climbed in, allowing the water to flow down my body and wash
everything away. After a while, I began to feel relaxed and much calmer, to the point where I could
have fallen asleep standing up. I guess that’s my cue to get out.
I started washing my hair when the tiny hairs on the back of my neck began to rise, as well as my wolf
hackles, and she snarled. Suddenly, I developed this feeling in my gut that I was being watched. I
turned towards the shower doors and looked around but saw no one in the room. Again, however, I
couldn’t shake the feeling that someone had their eyes on me. I quickly finished with my hair and body,
then covered myself in a towel and got out of the shower. I again looked around the room, but still, no
one else was around. That was weird! Maybe the sleep deprivation is beginning to get to me.
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