The Summer Moon

Chapter 58 -


I felt like such a dick after leaving Malia. Why couldn't she see I had resisted marking her last night for her own good. What if I marked her and she totally freaked out? What if she changed her mind again? I couldn't have that. I meant what I said when I said it would kill me. My wolf would either totally freak out and force her to stay here, making her hate me, or he would just go crazy without his mate and I'd probably end up getting myself killed if I didn't do it myself. Now I was sitting in a meeting full of alpha's from neighbouring packs supposed to be discussing the rogue attacks and pack safety, but I'm totally distracted. Malia is all I can think about, I want to go apologize to her, to tell her I'm an idiot and take back everything I said.

I couldn't help but wonder if she actually was serious last night, was she ready for it? She was getting more comfortable here, and in the past couple days we'd made huge progress but taking that last big step seemed like it would be too much. When she first told me to mark her my wolf went crazy, and I actually nearly did it. Especially having just shifted from my wolf, it had been more difficult then ever before to restrain myself. I wanted to mark her so bad, but she needed to be absolutely sure, and I wanted to give her that chance first.

"Tyrese do we have any leads as to who could be organizing these rogue attacks? They're clearly too organized to be random," Alpha Chris said and I nodded my head, I had been thinking the same thing.

"I've had my trackers running the boundaries and surrounding areas after all the attacks, we haven't picked up any familiar scents," I replied and the group nodded their heads.

As if there were an alarm suddenly going off in my head I felt Malia's emotions wash over me. She was sad, frustrated, hurting, and it was so much stronger than when I had left her. I was sure she had gone home earlier as her scent had faded but now it was strong again, she was close by. What's going on? My wolf began to howl in my mind and my whole body tensed up. I couldn't leave this meeting right now, I needed to show these alphas that I was a strong responsible alpha myself, I wasn't just some stupid teenager anymore.

But Malia needs us. My wolf called out and I knew he was right. Something was very wrong, but at least I could take comfort in knowing that she physically was okay, I would sense it if she was injured.

I sent her a quick text, holding my phone under the table, to ask if she was okay and what's going on. As I anxiously awaited her reply I tried my best to focus on the conversation ahead of me. Just as we begin to plan our schedules for warriors doing nightly rounded on the boundary I can hear Malia's breathing picking up close by. Then she's bursting through the door, her hair dripping wet from the rain outside. As I met her eyes I could see the tears beginning to trickle down her face.

She looked around the room quickly then back to me again. "I-I'm sorry I-" she starts then covers her mouth quickly as the tears start to come faster. I jumped up from my chair, feeling anxious to get to her side as soon as possible then wrapped my arms around her. In a swift action, I pulled her away from the prying eyes of my meeting and back out the door.

"I'll be right back," I nod to the other alphas before I close the door behind us. I walk Malia down the hall and away from their nosy ears before turning to her.

"I'm s-sorry I interrupted y-your meeting," she stuttered out and I brought my hand up to her cheek.

"Interrupt me anytime. Tell me what's wrong," I locked my eyes with hers and wiped the tears away. It was killing me to see her crying. She took a deep breath.

"My mom called, my grandma she-she had a h-heart attack," she stuttered. "It's bad Ty, the doctors don't think she's going to make it. I have to see her, but there's no flights and I don't know what to do. I don't know-"

"Take my family's jet," I cut her off and she looked up at me with wide eyes. "I'll call them right now, we can get you home to her today." I was certain of this, I would make it happen, I had to help her. Malia deserved to see her grandma before she died, she needed this and I would do anything to make her feel better.

"Are you serious?" She mumbled, her tears finally slowing down.

"I'm serious. Go home and pack your bags, I'll meet you there in half an hour I just have to wrap up this meeting quickly. I'll get you to see her I promise. And I can come too, I'll be there for you through anything Lia," I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer, trying to comfort her.

"But Ty the attacks, you can't come you have responsibilities here," she pressed her hands against my chest and I knew she was right. I had only officially become alpha yesterday I couldn't just leave right now, my pack needs me. But my luna needs me. I felt torn between the two roles once again.

"But Lia if you need me -" I began.

"Your pack needs you. I'll be okay, I'm already so grateful for just your help getting there," she gave me a sad smile and I pressed my lips to her forehead. I felt so grateful for her, even when she was hurting she was always thinking about the pack. I sure as hell wasn't going to let her go to New York alone though. Who knows what kind of trouble she could run into there.

Once Malia was on her way back home to pack, I returned to my meeting and apologized for leaving. "We are going to have to reschedule this meeting for another date, something urgent needs my attention right now," I said to the group and they all began to mumble clearly annoyed with me, but I stood my ground. "She is my luna, this meeting can wait one more day."

The group continued to make annoyed grumbles and I felt any respect had fo me quickly slipping away. Alpha Edgar suddenly stood from his chair and slammed his hands down on the table, silencing the room. "Postponing this meeting by one day is fine. You know, I think we could all learn something from this young alpha here. I know if I had shown the same level of respect to my luna, then maybe she wouldn't have left me all those years ago," his voice echoed through the room and I stared at him shocked. This was the first time I think I had ever heard him speak in a meeting, usually it was just the occasional head nod. I'd heard rumours of how his luna had left him long ago, but he had never spoken about it before.

The entire room stayed quiet for a moment until finally Alpha Chris stood, "We will reconvene here at the same time tomorrow then," and just like that the group nodded their heads and left the room.

With the meeting over, I headed to Malia's house to pick her up. She was already coming down the steps carrying her suitcase in hand as I pulled in front of her house. I jumped out of the car and took it from her hands to carry it to the car. Malia climbed in the passenger seat without a word, and we drove over to the airport. She stared out the window the whole drive and I could tell she was really hurting over this. I could sense that same ache from earlier in her. When we pulled onto the tarmac Liam was already waiting outside the Jet. I had called him urgently on my way over. He would be going to New York with Malia as her protection until this all resolved. It at least made me feel a little better about not going with her, knowing I had someone I trust there to take care of her.

I carried her bag over to the plane and Liam took it inside. Turning to her as she approached the steps I wrapped my arms around her waist. My heart was already aching knowing I had to let her go, the slightest doubt in my mind that she might not ever return here. That this could be the last time I get to see her, to hold her, to hear her voice. I pushed the thought away. This moment wasn't about me, or our relationship. She needs to go home for her grandma, that's all that matters, We can figure everything else out later.

"If you need anything, call me, text me, whatever. I'm here for you," I reminded her and she nodded her head. She glanced up at the steps to board, Liam was already waiting at the top. She took the first couple steps and I squeezed my hand on hers, pulling her in for one last quick kiss. Savouring the feeling of her lips on mine before I released her. "I love you Malia," the words left my mouth without regrets. My last plea to remind her to come back to me.

Her eyes widened at me and she inhaled sharply but stayed silent. My heart raced in my chest, what is she thinking? Why isn't she saying anything? I began to panic and Liam must have sensed it because suddenly he was grabbed Malia's hand.

"Come on, we have to go," he nodded towards me and I knew I had to let her go. My hand dropped from hers and Malia began to climb the steps again. Her eyes never leaving mine as she moved forwards. Her lips parted, the emotion on her face was impossible to read until finally the two of them stepped inside and the door closed behind them. I backed away from the jet and towards my car, giving them space to take off.

She doesn't love us. My wolf was howling and I did my best to calm him. I couldn't make this about us, this was about her. Of course she loves us, she's just not ready for this yet. But she will be. She's going to come back. She has to come back.

And if she doesn't?

I couldn't bare the thought. She has to. And just like that I watched the jet take off, my mate disappearing from my sight and her scent fading with each passing second.

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