A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 138- If your pet starts hiding your work shoes, it's time to give them some attention... or find a new job.

I'm up early in the morning and I have a super awkward breakfast with my dad, Ashton and Fin. We are all super polite. That is the best way to describe it. Ashton and I are being polite to each other. Dad and Ashton are being polite to each other. Dad even offers to give Ashton a ride to the station. Apparently they have a tip on where the assassin might be. The meal is uncomfortable and Fin is probably the only one at the table who is genuinely happy to be here, even if he is still moping about Lucy. The guy really needs to figure out what he wants to do before it's too late. But I can't make that decision for him.

Once again, Fin and I are left behind. We have a whole day and nothing much to do. We cleaned everything yesterday so we can't do that again.

"We could go out somewhere? Watch a movie or something?" I suggest. Fin looks interested in the idea of going out, but also kind of hesitant. "It is more difficult to keep you safe when I have to watch a crowd." He points out. I shrug.

"We could go somewhere quiet." I try again. FIn shrugs which I interpret as meaning 'maybe'. Alright then, well that's not a no. I go to my room to grab my phone so I can search for ideas of something fun to do. I can hear Fin in the kitchen tidying up the dishes from breakfast. I DID tell him he doesn't need to do that, but he insisted. I don't think he's good at being idle. I feel something brush up against my leg and I scream, scrambling up onto the bed. Fin comes barreling into my room still clutching a wet, soap covered plate looking around for attackers.

"What happened?" he demands. I shake my head.

"Something touched my leg." I point down at the side of the bed. Fin slowly creeps over and lowers himself to the floor to look under the bed. He makes a surprised sound.

"Huh." He gets back to his feet.

"What is it?" I ask nervously.

"It seems that someone followed you home." He answers warily.

"What?" I question. He gestures for me to get down and look for myself. I nervously step down and get on the floor like he did. Under the bed I can see two bright eyes staring back at me.

"Bast?" I ask incredulously. Bast slowly crawls out from under the bed, scraping his antlers on the frame as he exits. He nudges my face with his and meows. I pick him up and get to my feet. Fin looks somewhere between confused and alarmed. I'm confused and delighted as I cuddle the fae cat's cute little face.

"Aww I missed you baby. Did you follow me home sweetheart?" I start to baby talk the fae cat who meows again and nudges my hand.

"Oh are you hungry darling?" I drop him onto my bed and look around for something to prick my finger with. Turns out it's unnecessary because Bast grabs my wrist with his paws and bites me. It doesn't hurt as much as I expect and he lets go immediately. He only bit just hard enough to draw the slightest amount of blood. Totally content, the fae cat curls up on my bed purring and nestles into my pillows.

"Will he be okay if I keep him here?" I ask Fin. I have pretty much already decided to keep him. I mean I always wanted a pet, and he's cheaper to feed than a real cat. Maybe I can buy one of those lancet devices like diabetics use. It might be a more hygienic way of feeding him than letting him bite me. Fin shrugs again.

"I do not see why you could not. I suppose there is a risk of him knocking someone out, but I do not think it is likely when he is being well fed. Humans might want to investigate him, but they would have to catch him first. It is near impossible to keep a fae cat locked away or stop it from going where it wants. If he wants to stay with you then that is what he will do. I am not sure that we really have much choice in the matter." He answers and I grin.

"Perfect. That's exactly what I wanted to hear." I perk up.

"I know what we should do today!" I tell him excitedly.noveldrama

Three hours later, Fin and I are getting back home with armfuls full of shopping bags. Taking Fin to the pet store was really fun, although I had to bribe him with food to leave the puppies behind. Fin totally needs a dog. I'm convinced. Lucy loves dogs too, it feels like a sign. We unpack the bags of toys, brushes and pet stuff that I got for Bast. Hopefully dad likes him. I set the little bed by the couch and Bast immediately curls up in it. I take a few photos and send them to Lucy and Marcus. This is going to be awesome. I am about ninety percent sure that Bast followed us when we went shopping. I don't know how he kept up with the car, and I never saw him in the vehicle, but on more than one occasion I spotted him following me around. I don't mind it. He seems to be very good at staying out of sight, no one else, including Fin, seemed to spot him. I suspect that he WANTED me to see him, particularly since the first time I saw him was when I petted a kitten at the store. He suddenly meowed from behind me. I guess Bast is a jealous creature. I don't mind. Not to mention I like having him around. I pointed him out to Fin a few times but he could never see him.

"It is... Good that the fae cat is so attached to you. He will be good protection for you." Fin concludes. He still doesn't seem super comfortable around Bast, but at least he isn't trying to chase him off and make him go back to the fae realm. Ashton gets home early. I don't want to admit that I'm relieved but I am. He didn't find the assassin today, but at least now that he's back I don't have to feel all anxious and awful. Is it wrong that I almost don't mind this whole situation dragging out? Once Ashton catches the assassin, I'm going to have to seriously start trying to work out what we're going to do and I just don't want to think about it. He seems just as shocked as Fin to see Bast here.

“I suppose I should not be surprised to see the fae cat followed you home. He is very attached to you. But how did he get here? He did not follow us through the portal. I did not think a fae cat would be capable of travelling between realms. Then again, fae cats are notorious for being able to get wherever they want to go. If any creature could travel between realms unassisted it would be them." Ashton decides. He's less nervous of Bast than Fin. He even crouches down to lightly pet the fae cat right between his little antlers. Bast tolerates it for a minute before retreating away from Ashton. He crawls into my lap and cuddles in, purring loudly. I can feel myself relaxing at the feeling. Yes, I think I'm going to enjoy having him around.

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