A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 139- Remember the three D's: Dodge, Duck, and Disguise.

Why is it that trying to sleep alone, even though Ashton is just down the hall, fills me with almost as much anxiety as when he's out for the day. Maybe it's just that when I'm lying here by myself in the dark, there's nothing else to distract me. Even Bast who is curled up against my knees and purring steadily is barely registering in my senses right now. Because of our connection I know exactly where Ashton is. His presence is like a giant beacon to my brain and I am completely unable to sleep. It feels like a million years have passed while I've been lying here. I roll over with a groan to check my phone. I went to bed just after ten, I'm expecting that It's nearly morning. Nope. It's ten forty five. Ugh. I lie around for another two hours. I know it's two hours because I check my phone regularly. Eventually I give up and climb out of bed, careful not to bother Bast who is sound asleep. I tip toe over to Ashton's room. He opens the door before I can reach it and heads straight back to bed. I climb in beside him.

"This is just because I can't sleep." I warn him, but my voice is slurred. I'm already starting to fall asleep. I can feel him nodding against my hair.

"Mmhmm. I missed you too." He mutters. Then we both fall asleep.

The next few days follow a predictable pattern. Ashton leaves with my dad when he heads off for work. He spends the day tracking down leads for the assassin and returns late afternoon because at that point we are both suffering from being apart for too long. I spend the days relaxing with Fin, showing him my favourite T.V. shows and helping him learn more about technology while I try to hide how completely anxious and miserable I actually feel. We do this until Ashton gets back. Then we usually discuss Ashton's progress for the day, have dinner and we all go to bed early. Then after about an hour of suffering, I sneak into Ashton's room and finally get some sleep. I feel guilty. During the day Ashton and I are fairly distant with each other. Or at least I'm distant with him. Then at night I can't seem to stay away from him. It's not fair to him but I can't seem to stop myself and every night he welcomes me into his arms. I get the impression that he can't relax unless I'm around either.

By the end of the week I'm sick of sitting around. So, with Fin at my side, I pick up my dad's favourite takeout and head down to the station to give him lunch. My internal 'Ashton tracker' tells me that he isn't here right now so I head in confidently, greet the guy at the desk and head inside. Fin doesn't have a problem with the lift so we don't have to take the stairs which is a relief. According to him, the rising and falling sensation of the lift is not all that uncomfortable compared to the feeling of actually flying. I don't know what my plan is here exactly. I guess I'm just hoping that maybe I can look at whatever information they have on the last assassin. Maybe I can spot something that they didn't. It's not really a good plan. But Ashton going after him every day and endangering himself is slowly driving me insane. I have to try and do SOMETHING. We stop to say hi to George and I leave him and Fin to chat. I head to dad's office. He is thrilled with the food delivery and willingly hands over all the stuff he and Ashton have been looking at. I've been looking for about twenty minutes when I hear a loud crashing sound. A moment later everything is quiet. Like too quiet. There are tons of people working in this building and aside from myself and dad, I can't hear any of them. Dad furrows his brow in concern.

"Wait here." He orders then heads out of his office to see what's going on.

I can't see anything through the windows of dad's office. About five minutes pass. The place is still dead silent and I'm contemplating leaving the office to look around. I've just about made up my mind when Fin comes bursting into the office. "We need to get you out of here!" His expression is panicked and he's actually sweating. He grabs my hand and starts dragging me towards the door, heedless of his wings which knock papers off of my dad's desk.

"Fin? Fin what's going on?" I whisper as he pulls me out of the office. I don't know why I'm whispering. Probably because it's so quiet here.

"The assassin. He is here. He released the others and they are looking for you." he hisses the words and I stop in my tracks.

"What?" I ask in alarm. He tugs on my arm.

"Keep moving!" He insists. I let him pull me towards the stairwell. We make it to the ground floor.

"Wait here. I will check if the way is clear." Fin orders.

"Wait, don't leave me here-" he steps through the door and closes it behind him leaving me alone in the stairwell.

"Alone..." I trail off. How the hell did this happen? Why now? It can't be a coincidence that the first time I come to the station since getting home it is attacked. Are all the fae assassins really free? Why are they looking for me? I hear someone scream and I want to be sick. Please let my dad be okay. Let everyone be okay. The people here are my family, I don't want them to get hurt.

It's been far too long. Fin should be back by now. There isn't that much space between here and the exit. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that something has happened to him. Where is he? I hear footsteps approaching. I don't know for sure that it's Fin. I hope it's Fin but what if I'm wrong. In a last second rush, I duck under the staircase. It's not a great hiding spot, but it's better than nothing. I peer through a gap between two stairs. The door swings open and I'm relieved to see Fin. I step out from my hiding spot.

"Kat." Fin smiles brightly when he sees me. Why is he so happy? It's weird. Maybe the assassins are gone?

"Hey, what's happening?" I ask nervously. Fin takes my hand again.noveldrama

"Come this way." He answers cheerfully.

"Are they gone?" I ask. Fin doesn't respond. Just keeps pulling me towards the exit. "Fin?" I ask again, dragging my feet. He just smiles at me.

"Come.. We are going this way." He tells me again. Something is wrong. Fin doesn't smile at me like that, and he's never so pushy. He knows I'm freaked out and he isn't even trying to help me relax. He's acting all dazed. I've only seen him smile like this when he's spending time with Lucy and he's all love struck. I freeze up. Love struck... The fae woman, Ailsa. Fin told me that she was free. It might be nothing but... This isn't right. I yank my hand away from Fin. He immediately grabs onto my wrist again. His grip is so tight that it hurts. Well that confirms that something is wrong. No way Fin would hurt me like this if he was in his right mind. He begins pulling me towards the door. I struggle against him but he is stronger than me. I kick at his wing which makes him flinch and for a second his grip loosens. I think I might get away but before I can pull my arm again he grabs on tightly again. Shit. I am so screwed.

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