A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 140- Always remember to turn your phone on silent before trying to be sneaky.

A surge of panic fueled adrenaline rushes through me. I try to escape Fin. I push and scratch and claw at him. I try to kick his wings again. I don't want to hurt him, but he's bigger and stronger than me. I need to do everything I can to escape him. I'll apologise later when he snaps out of it. Assuming I'm not dead. I can't seem to get away from Fin, but I do manage to hook an arm around the handrail of the stairs which halts his progress in pulling me towards the exit. I keep fighting but I can't do this much longer. I'm exhausted. Fin is significantly bigger than me and is far more experienced at fighting. I have every disadvantage. With more impatience than I have ever seen him display, Fin dislodges my grip on the rail and drags me towards the door. My phone falls from my pocket and smashes to the ground. Okay, well that phone is dead. That's it, I'm screwed. I just can't get away from him. I have tears of frustration running down my face and I'm fairly sure that my arms and torso are probably going to be super bruised in a few hours, assuming I live that long. Idly I think that Fin is going to feel awful. But before I can worry about his feelings I need to find a way to escape! I'm about to give one final attempt at getting away, but rather than just trying to escape, I'll attack Fin first. I can aim for his eyes. I'm sure he will forgive me. But before I can so much as poke him, his hold on me suddenly loosens. At first I think it's a trick and I tense up further, but his arms slowly fall off of me and fin drops to his knees then tips forward. In an instinctual move, I catch his head before he smacks it on the cement staircase and cracks his skull open. What the hell just happened? A flash of green catches my eye.

"Bast?" I ask incredulously. The big fae cat gives a meow that I can only describe as smug.noveldrama

"Did you just save me?" Such a good kitty! Good boy!" I pet his furry little head and stroke his antlers. Fin shows no sign of stirring and since he's been magically knocked out, I assume he's going to be asleep for a while. All of a sudden I remember the group of fae assassins who are literally hunting me. I shouldn't be just standing around here. For all I know, they're on the other side of the door waiting for Fin to bring me out. I need to find somewhere safe to hide. I should go upstairs but I hesitate. What about Fin? If the fae find him knocked out like this will they hurt him? What can I even do about it? Well, I don't need to leave him out in the open like this. I grab him by the wrists and drag him under the stairs. He's easier to move than I expected. Probably because he can fly. He's actually fairly light for a guy of his size. Although apparently that doesn't mean he isn't strong. I push him up against the wall as best as I can then move around the room. He's fairly well hidden. Sure, anyone who goes looking for him will find him. But at a glance you can't see him. Hopefully if the fae come looking they will just assume that he's looking for me somewhere else.

I know I've wasted too much time here. I can't head out to the reception area, even though I know my car is just through there. That's where psycho mind controlled Fin wanted me to go, so I can assume it isn't safe. I start back up the stairs with Bast running up them far quicker than I can. Where should I go? I make it to the third floor.

"That's it, anymore stairs and I'm going to collapse. Third floor it is." I mutter to myself, or maybe to Bast. I haven't spent as much time on this floor, mostly because I usually go straight to dad's office. But I know it well enough for it to be familiar. I peek my head through the stairwell door and look around. The floor seems quiet. Hopefully that means there are no fae around here. This floor is where a lot of the evidence and files are kept. Basically the whole floor is pretty much one giant store room. I can't get into the proper locked storage area. I would need an I.D. pass for that. Still, there are a few offices and unimportant storage areas that won't be locked. I wander down the dimly lit hall. It's not supposed to be so dark in here, it looks like one of the hallway lights has blown. I wonder if dad knows, he would have definitely complained to maintenance if he did. I move quietly through the floor and pick a door at random. I test the handle and find that it's unlocked. Perfect. I slip inside into the dark room. It's an office, but I don't think it's in use. It's kind of dusty and there are boxes everywhere. I duck under the heavy wooden desk and pull a few boxes closer to hide me better. I'm well hidden, but this spot is still a danger because if someone tries to grab me from here there is no way I could run away. I'd be trapped. But I'm pretty much trapped anyway so this is going to have to do for me.

I sit quietly for so long that my legs start to go numb. Bast is curled up against my knees and he looks far too relaxed for our current situation. I doubt he really knows what's going on. Should I come out of my hiding spot? Maybe the fae are gone. Maybe they gave up looking for me here and moved on. My thoughts turn darker. Maybe they found Fin. Have they hurt anyone? I realise that I'm shaking so hard that one of the boxes next to me is rattling. I shift away from the box and force myself to take a few steadying breaths. They don't help much but I keep forcing myself to breathe. I'll be fine. There is an entire station's worth of cops here. The fae will get caught. I bet Ashton is already on his way too. SOMEONE would have contacted him and with our weird magical connection there is no way he doesn't know that something is wrong. I bet he will be the one to find me. I hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall and my heart starts hammering again. I want to throw up. That isn't Ashton. I hear voices in the hall. It's the fae.

"Are you sure the human girl is here?" One of them whines. I think it's the imp. The voice that answers is horribly familiar. I remember him speaking in my ear just before he tried to kill me.

"The room with all the T.V.s showed her walking down this hallway. She has to be nearby." His voice is cold and I shiver. I can't let him find me. I stay as still and quiet as I can. I can hear various doors in the hallway opening and closing as they search for me.

"This is boring. We have the girl's father. I bet if we threaten him she will come out of hiding." This time it's Erren speaking. I nearly leap from my hiding spot. They have dad? Oh shit. What am I supposed to do? I could come out, but I doubt that would change anything. They want me to get to Ashton I bet. So they're using dad to get to me. If I come out, they won't need him anymore. So I stay put and try to ignore the pain in my chest. Where the hell is Ashton? I need him now more than ever. I don't care what it takes. Please let him get here in time to save my dad.

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